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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Alabama abortion ban: Republican senate passes most restrictive law in US (5-19-19)

Alabama’s Republican-controlled state senate passed a bill Tuesday to outlaw abortion, making it a crime to perform the procedure at any stage of pregnancy.

The strictest-in-the-nation abortion ban allows an exception only when the woman’s health is at serious risk, and sets up a legal battle that supporters hope will lead to the supreme court overturning its landmark ruling that legalized abortion nationwide.

The measure contains no exception for rape and incest, after lawmakers voted down an amendment Tuesday that would have added such an exception.



  1. No exception for rape or incest? What is wrong with these people?

    Do they even know what bodily autonomy is?

    The abortion issue is not an easy one... but telling someone what they can or cannot do with their body is what the issue is about.

    Just because someone consented to sex, DOES NOT mean they consented to a pregnancy.

    This is about a religious group trying to legislate their theocratic notions, and it's abhorrent.

    1. 8:50 “Just because someone consented to sex doesn’t mean they consented to a pregnancy” 🤔 Please don’t insult the people of Alabama when you make stupid statements yourself 🙄 Maybe if said woman did not want pregnancy said woman should have kept legs closed🤷‍♀️ And before you go on about rape and incest I’m not talking about either of those cases. What I am talking about is all the women who have sex without taking the necessary precautions and then having an abortion when they end up pregnant. Abortion has become mainstream birth control for many women. And they have no moral problem with doing it. However you want to spin it abortion is murder and in the end you have to live with it. If you have a moral compass that is.

    2. Just because you consented to drinking and consented to driving doesn't mean you consented to a DUI... your statement makes that much sense.

    3. I know, 1136. Stupid biology. Making you get pregnant simply because you had sex. Children=car accident. I shouldn't be held liable for the consequences of my actions!

  2. 8:50 are you surprised 22 white, male senators in the state ranked 49th in education voted this way?

    1. The governor that signed it was female hahaha

  3. Imagine your wife or daughter being attacked and raped and forced to have the child.

    1. And then the rapist gets parental rights because of their other laws

    2. 1045

      that's why you arm yourself

      send them to their devil Allah

  4. Here we have another example of men making decisions that do not pertain to their body.

    1. They were voted into office by men and women, your sexist claim is ignorant and inappropriate being the governor is a woman and she signed it

  5. If they allowed abortions for incest there would be no children in Alabama..

  6. Republican Senator Clyde Chambliss argued that the ban was still fair to victims of rape and incest because those women would still be allowed to get an abortion "until she knows she's pregnant,"

    Any of you conservatives want to explain to me wtf this even means

  7. The same state that also gives parental rights to rapists. Not only can your daughters be forced to have a child from rape, but she even has to share custody with a rapist!

  8. Reason number 999,9999,992 to stay out of Alabama

  9. Land of the free*

    *if you are Male. Females will be subject to laws at the discretion of the opposite sex

    1. What about the babies rights? Democrats passed laws to allow killing the baby after it was born and you were silent

  10. This bill was horrible. The text itself compared abortion in the US to the holocaust and Rawandan genocide. They used all the brainpower from their 49th in education schools to write this one..

  11. You can take my wife/mother/daughters reproductive rights but dont you dare touch ma guns

  12. 850 said "Just because someone consented to sex, DOES NOT mean they consented to a pregnancy."

    Um, you do know how this whole pregnancy thing works, right? I understand that sex is nothing more than recreation now, but biologically speaking, it does have ramifications.

  13. Don't worry, 11:11. At least the Democrats will make sure that rapist will be able to vote from jail!

    1. Yeah because that's the same thing...

    2. Just pointing out the selective moral outrage. Try to keep up, sweetheart.

    3. Hey, your party wants to give them guns when they get out..

    4. 12:14 was pointing out your scarecrow argument sweetheart lol!

    5. Um, do you mean straw man argument 112? Lol!!!

  14. Congrats Alabama, you're exactly as stupid as everyone thought you were

  15. 1045, it's not about the woman. It's about the baby. If it was about the woman, SHE would be the one who ended up in the trashcan.

    1. "Its not about the woman" yeah, Republicans have made that very clear. When they pass laws like this. When they elect people who openly admit to sexual assault. We know it's never been about women bud

    2. Why should dead babies be about women and not the dead babies again? I missed that part of your argument.

    3. 12:40 You spelled Democrat wrong. And I’d be willing to bet you’d vote for Biden in a heartbeat 🙄

  16. May 15, 2019 at 11:44 AM

    May be you forgot how consent works? Do you actually need it spelled out for you. Lets make it easy.

    This example should make it EASY to understand. If you drive in a car on the highway, and get into an accident... did you consent to the accident? Because Driving doesn't always lead to accidents.. even though it can.

    See how simple that was?

    This all boils down to bodily autonomy and consent.

    1. It boils down to control. The people are allowed to make the decisions we let them. Keep collars on them.

    2. I believe you're thinking of Islam.

  17. No Exceptions for rape or incest! \Unless you're the daughter of a politician or someone exceptionally wealthy**

  18. All these people would change their tune if it was THEIR daughter that got pregnant by rape

  19. So a baby is the same as a car accident? Well, at least now I understand why you want to kill them.

    1. Not a great analogy on their part...

    2. They are the same as a voting felon too according to some

  20. May 15, 2019 at 12:43 PM

    Sorry you don't understand the argument made. The point was to demonstrate what consent and risk were, and to point out that the discussion is about bodily autonomy and consent.

    You misrepresent me, I don't think maliciously so, though.

    To be clear, I don't think a zygote or embryo is a baby... not for quite some time in pregnancy. It more resembles a parasite that could not live independent of the host. So NO. In the first part of pregnancy, not a baby, and not killing. It is the termination of a pregnancy.

    I am completely fine with putting a limit on the time frame for pregnancy in regards to abortion. At some point, say the third trimester, it could be implied that if the pregnancy has not been terminated then consent is implied. At this stage of pregnancy I would support stringent laws limiting access to abortion, save medical necessity.

    Hope that clears it up.

  21. Nothing says freedom like forcing a woman to be pregnant without her consent

    1. I don't know 353. I mean, there's a pretty good argument to be made that killing unborn babies is the pinnacle of freedom.

  22. a child is a gift from GOD. if you dont believe that your lost. if we followed the law of GOD sex out of wedlock would not be what we see today..luciferians claiming its their body and ill do as i please..well its not your body its GOD keep thinking like a luciferian and you will be doomed.

    How Should A Woman View Her Body and the Preborn Life Growing in Her Womb?

    "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3, NASV).

    "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NKJV).

    deny it all you want but the real truth and light is there in GODS book for you to take or toss

  23. 6:20 that is my point thanks for catching on haha

  24. Just have all males 12 and older have a vasectomy. They can donate sperm to a sperm bank. Let’s stop pregnancy where it starts! Men. When we can force men to do that then perhaps they will better understand what they are doing to women.

  25. It's hilarious to hear all these women blaming men for pregnancy. In today's world it's a fat stretch to even call these "girls" women or Ladies. I personally think the ONLY exception to this controversy should be pregnancy after a woman is raped and incest otherwise stop running around sleeping with every swinging dick out there

  26. I bet alot of the idiots posting said the same thing about their daughter's having interracial babies and how they wouldn't accept the child or have anything to do with them. Then after the child is born the kid just melts their hearts and they cave in. It's murder people plain and simple.

  27. Try taking some responsibility for once in your life and do the right thing instead of taking the easy way out. Ask any woman that has had an abortion(excluding the skanks and drug addicts) as they grow older this decision absolutely haunts them

  28. I can only hope that the purpose of this bill is to force the Supreme court to revisit abortion immediately. Also to play devil's advocate I think there are a lot of young women today who would be willing to accuse an innocent man of rape just to get the abortion. That said I don't think there is anything you could do more cruel to a victim of a real rape than to force them to birth and raise the child of their rapist. There is a grey area here where there really is no right answer.

  29. 11:44
    They don't think of how it will effect them after it is done. They are worrying about a quick fix to their problem. It does haunt them. I knew two people that chose abortion. One went on to get married and have 2 more children the other became a lesbian. Neither handled it well. Both chose to take their own life about 10 years after the fact.

  30. Population is 4.9 million, 6,700 hundred abortions perform. .001 percent of that was due to rape or incest.... a resident can still travel to another state... ALL DEMOCRATS running for President believes in CAR RIDE HOME is when life begins. That is disturbing, should not, would not and CAN NOT support Car ride home. WE are better then that.

  31. Well first of all they are human beings not babies just like puppies are dogs. We have no problem killing them as adults in wars the electric chair or starving in the third world or on our own streets. If you are going to take a moral high ground where life is concerned it has to be all encompassing and unconditional and not just what you perceive as cute and precious. Nature is cruel and so are we. You can live in fantasy world of rainbows and unicorns whilst many of God's creations are becoming extinct because of our greed and over population raping, pillaging and plundering the gifts of the garden. Well guess what it may not be going anywhere but we might be and it maybe for the best for the diversity of life in his original vision.

  32. 825 when do you think life begins? With out trolling. I’m looking for a serious answer.

  33. Just sterilize everyone and make test tube babies. Take all the false and evidently unresistible frictional corporal fleshy pleasures away and make breeding practical. It's not some sacred right or communion with a creator. It's what animals do.

  34. Sperm meets egg. Egg allows sperm in. Poof! Life!

  35. Lets be real is abortion right? In some case yes. In general no. However forcing someone to have a baby they dont want punishes the child and society. A abandoned child is fortunate if someone swoops in and rescues it. Even then the the mental effects of abandonment can be dire. Imagine the effects and ramifications of unwanted children becoming bruised and pained adults. Lets be real there are some trash...people who if had been aborted would made this world a better place.

  36. Instead of focusing on abortion they ought to be figuring out what they are going to do about this influx of illegal immigration and take over

  37. sorry 7:06

    But both the sperm and egg are already living. You can not create life from something not yet alive.

    The demoncrats have stolen the verbiage and twisted the language to make people think life is created at birth, so the fetus is not "alive" until it's born, which is illogical, but their minions gobble it up like kool-aid.

    Yours and my life is ongoing, it never stops, not even through death, unless you have no offspring.

    That's why we were put here...to procreate and hopefully leave the world a better place.

  38. Just have a hysterectomy. This will resolve everything. Point blank period.

  39. Every one of you that claim you want control over your FEMALE body - how about this, stop being sluts and having sex with 15 guys a month. How about being a moral person and waiting for it when you are "married" how about knowing when you can and can't afford kids instead of living off the government.

    One more thing - RESEARCH Planned Parent Hood - They are NOT who you think they are. You have been sold a bill of goods from the Demoncraps so long, you are brain dead.

  40. It's a shame that this country can enforce strict abortion law such as Alabama but do nothing concerning the gun laws in this country that is killing so many of our children.


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