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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A viewer writes....... I wanted to see the opinion of your readers. (9-1-19)



  1. Put a gas station near by for those confused drivers that are low on gas.

  2. This is a great idea, and will improve the flow of traffic dramatically.

  3. Unless they do something about the timing of the lights at the two bridges, its going to backup and wrap around the circle anyways.

    it's fine for places with no immediate traffic lights like Fruitland and Wor-Wic, but that spot has too much traffic at 5:00pm for a circle to keep traffic jams from happening.

    A Red Light Camera would reap better results in keeping people out of the intersection when the lights turn red.

    1. Depending on the time of day the wor wic circle gets backed up. When Wor Wic classes end it can be a mess. Also, if they ever sell the remaining lots by Arby's, it will also create more back ups. And let's not forget people still continue to go backwards in the circle. They will turn out of Royal Farms and go left. In fact we had a shooting because of it. Someone beeped because they were going backwards thinking maybe they did not understand. That backwards car became offended then followed the person that beeped at him. He then shot at the car. Just google the story. Circles work well when you have the space. It must be huge so cars never stop. Maybe marking the steet with arrows would help people understand.

  4. The problem is not this intersection but a block before at Main Street. The direction of the Plaze should be reversed, all traffic going towards downtown, and a right turn lane on the parking lot there, heading up to Nanticoke Road.

  5. I’ve traveled this intersection the last 30 years and never seen an accident or had to wait more than one light cycle. With the stop lights on route 50 and Mill Street in the circle walk back up leaving traffic snarled. I believe there are other intersections that can use the assistance this is a mistake

  6. The goal of all of our side streets are to take pressure off route 50 and Route 13. Messing with this intersection, Waverley Drive the planned “park” on Eastern shore Drive is all a little much These moves will Drive traffic back onto 13 and clog it up

  7. It won’t solve the traffic problem!!!! People gonna be frustrated when no one in the circle can move cuz everyone will be waiting for the Mill Street lights to change. Stupid!!

  8. I just wish it would not happen !
    Bad idea,driver's will be Confused.
    I wish we could have some say in this project instead of it being shoved down our throats to deal with!
    I don't think it's an improvement, period !

  9. That area is a huge cluster f*#@ anyway and I really can't get in my head how a roundabout is going to fix that. It's going to be an accident waiting to happen cause everyone is going to want to take their turn first.

  10. anyone who is against traffic circles are just misinformed. They keep traffic MOVING, just yield to traffic already in the circle, it's not that difficult!

    1. 10:15- You must never pass through here. It's the light at 50 and Mill street that will have traffic backed up in the circle, so no one can go anywhere! That traffic light is what makes this a very bad idea.

    2. Bingo Wait until the drawbridges go up

    3. 12:05- I didn't even think of that in my response. Oh God!!

  11. Road rage due to traffic lights at main st and rt 50 (that’s where the problem is!)

  12. Not sure. there seems to be a lot of traffic at that intersection for a roundabout. Not convinced it can handle it. However, something needs to be done and this may be an improvement. Unfortunately, we will not know until it is done and the funding invested. Let's hope for the best. It has to be a better idea that all of the money being invested in the bike lane and street re-configurations. I have seen one bicyclist using the new lanes to date. Lot of waste to just be 'on the cutting edge'. Of course, I readily admit I am not 'woke' (perhaps the most idiotic and condescending term ever invented).

  13. Roundabouts work in some cases. This intersection is NOT the place for a roundabout. Heavy traffic coming all at once from intersections that have lights will create a nightmare at peak times. I don’t understand why there’s a big push for roundabouts in Salisbury. The other ones already installed in the park area make no sense.

  14. The good news is that their should be fewer ‘MAJOR’ accidents.
    The bad news is that their will be a lot more ‘MINOR’ accidents.
    This is according to the people designing the round-a-bout.

  15. The real problem will be the traffic light when it turns red. I believe it will totally lock down the roundabout.

  16. Add to the fact everyone will be waiting for the other to make a turn add on top of that people on cell phones and its going to be bumper to bumper accidents and where are the police and ambulance to pull onto the accident scene?

  17. How about finishing the on-going projects before starting a new one!

  18. 10:15 - if it were only the circle, I would agree with you!

    HOWEVER! There are multiple sets of traffic lights too close to this proposed disaster that will grind traffic to a road-raging halt!

    This is a traffic mess in the making!

    Don't do it! Find a way to stop it!


  19. With the exception of the one near Denton ALL of the ones plopped down locally suffer from inception by being wedged into existing intersections without actually acquiring enough land for the project. Results in overly tight radius of the project.

    The cluster in the park by the zoo is extremely poor design.

    The one by Wor-Wic is just a few feet from our major highway, which is used by natives and tourists alike, and drivers coming off Rt 50 are faced with a series of signs placed just a few feet apart to try to decipher. That mess is so confusing that on a number of occasions drivers leaving Royal Farms have been seen traveling clockwise (in the wrong direction) on the way to get back to Rt. 50.

    Roundabouts and bike lanes are the flavor of the month in MDOT and Joke's head but the overarching goal is safe passage for the traveling public. MDOT and Joke's heads are not exposed to sunshine!

  20. Jersey boy... There is the word I think you were thinking of.
    There is no better word to use to describe their thoughts unless they're thinking differently.

  21. Exactly,Thank you 10:40 !!! rt 13 south of the S-curve is Horrible !!!

  22. not only are the traffic lights too close, but imagine the nightmare of trying to enter/exit the businesses close to this folly !

  23. 10:15am, not misinformed. We understand the concept, however, to many lights to keep the traffic flowing like it should, besides the fact that the fool in front of you does not get how the damn things work.

  24. It just needs a statue of Jake Day in a toga in the center

  25. "When in doubt,
    -Boy Mayor

  26. traffic circles are a fustercluck...
    ...nuff said.

  27. Traffic studies say okay.

  28. Traffic circles are trickier than you think. Trying to get in the correct lane to exit can be a challenge. Drivers need to be cautious and considerate. Not sure they are around here!

  29. Most of the back ups in Salisbury could be fixed if they would time the lights correctly. I was on Route 50 wb the other day and the draw bridge went up. I was in the left lane turning left onto Mills Street. Granted the people to my right couldn't move because the bridge was up but the light never changed to allow me to turn until the bridge went back down.

  30. I will be using Route 50 more and will go to the Acme early on Sunday mornings. This is an insane idea and clearly will be dangerous with the Mill St. and Rt. 50 lights. Does anyone have any say about Salisbury roads other than the mayor?

  31. For all you ill-informed folks you need to take a look at Cherry Hill NJ. They've had traffic circles for over 40 years now. The locals there call them "kamikaze circles" for good reason. And besides Fake Jake (with a masters degree in urban planning) says we need one. Would Jake lie to us????

  32. My thoughts are if they wanna makes the streets safe they need to start putting the ones that drive high on heron in jail and not give them probation and breadth devices in cars, which doesn't matter because they are dope fiends , i know a guy that got 2 or 3 ina month and is out doing the same thing with his breath device in his car..... Way to make it safe for us by filling your pockets with money!

  33. Depends where dumb day puts his bike lane. will probably cause problems

  34. I'm really curious how they're going to get the bridges and traffic lights looped into this traffic circle idea. Furthermore - looking at these plans for more traffic circles around Eastern Shore Drive - where is the local gov't getting all the money to fund these projects?

  35. Will the new bike lane on Carroll Street affect traffic going into the roundabout? What about the emergency vehicles coming from the west side to the hospital?

  36. The plans for Eastern shore Drive are another cluster fu@k. This will Push the traffic back to Route 13. The side roads were designed to take the pressure off the main arteries just like it a heart. With the bike path on Waverley change in the lanes screwing with Easton shore Drive you’re gonna put all the pressure back on 13

  37. Ahhhh another Jake day brain fart!! This will be an absolute mess when you add in the backups from Waverly heading that way. And don't even try to use this intersection during the morning and afternoon St Francis de sales rush. What a f'ing moron instead of fixing the existing problems this idiot just creates more

  38. No one has taken into account that the new restaurant they want to build on the swamp across from Rise Up. Will they put a bike lane with this as well?

  39. I'm betting this is the lead story tomorrow morning.

  40. There are lights at Rte 50 ,Mill, Waverly and Rte 13. and now a Traffic circle in the middle
    does anyone think that traffic will move in any direction? It will at a standstill just like
    the bay bridge every day of the week. The new bike lanes will not be moving also..

  41. Are all these driver going to work ?

  42. It's a stupid idea. There is too much traffic in that intersection for a circle. Who is the jackass that is promoting this cluster####?

  43. As long as the drawbridges are there there is no fix.

  44. Local news stations interviewed the Sby roads guy about Waverly drive cluster. All I can say is that these guys (he and Jake) must have been C students AT BEST. Btw I am an engineer.

  45. A viewer writes -

    Don't believe everything you see, hear or read on Nextdoor.

    Appears the local "nextdoor" platform is simply an extended arm of the Day political machine. A member asked the question - who is Wayne King, to which other members chirped in with, "never spoke to him but I heard", "a friend of a friend told me", "never met the guy but I was told", all rumors and gossip.

    A couple of members stood up for the guy and politely squashed the innuendo only to have their comments quickly deleted.

    One asked where their comments went, only to be deleted.

    Michele Gregory whined about Mr. Kings "rabid followers" only to be outted for her social media antics - those comments swiftly deleted.

    I guess the moderators want their members to be uninformed?

    So much for civil discourse.

    Some time this spring, Wayne King was kicked off the site for talking politics. A few complained because they found it uninteresting and detracted from their rants on feral cats, but I guess the topic is back on the approved list since the topic is him?

  46. Seeing all the complaining on here is what makes the Eastern Shore look like a bunch of idiots that don't know how to drive.

  47. Jake Day is an F'n IDIOT!! He has the nerve to blame this roundabout on the SHA! Someone should rat him out for lying on them.

  48. build an Exit ramp from Rt 50 east onto Lake St., with a fly over onto Camden Ave., since there is nothing on Lake St anyway, and it's only used to get around the tie up at Rt 50 and Mill St light.

  49. "Look kids there's Big Ben again. I can't get over." From Salisbury Vacation!

  50. Does anyone ANYONE have any say over this stuff besides the mayor? Seriously,there is no common sense in some of these decisions. I don't mean to be complaining but these roundabouts are asinine. I'm all for change when it is productive. The roundabout in Fruitland runs very smoothly. Salisbury? They look like a big waste of money. As for the Mill Street corner, a roundabout will be counterproductive as long as there is a light and a draw bridge that close.

  51. Ah! There it is in my head. Anybody remember this old song line? "Anything you can do I can do better . . .? That's what it seems this mayor does whether it makes sense or not. Fix the problems why don't you instead of wasting our money on stupid stuff and creating more problems!!! Stop trying to make the town into something it isn't!!

  52. I can only assume it will be as productive as the last folk festival , that my friends was a complete disaster and cluster $&ck . The blind leading the blind with your money and my time.

  53. 5:19
    Right now the weather is not looking any better than it was last year. I think Dorian is going to rain on their parade.

  54. Problem is no one know how or what to do.there is noway to get the traffic lights to work together

  55. Another million dollar failure is the Folk BS... The weather will be miserable--Day will make some stupid excuse--as he spends our tax dollars. Total loser

  56. Jake Day looks like Bert from Bert & Ernie

  57. Gotta wonder who decided to have the festival the weekend after a holiday and back to school. Not very smart in my book

  58. What happens when the lights on Mill St. turn red? It will back up traffic big time during rush hour. Build a bridge somewhere on Riverside Dr. to get traffic to Pemberton Dr., Nanticoke Rd. and Rt50. That will reduce the traffic flow a lot.

  59. @8:31 that's been a proposal for at least 30 years, and the smartest solution to eliminate alot of the congestion at this intersection during peak morning/afternoon hours. Riverside drive from upper ferry all the way to the downtown has become a free for all raceway for a lot of the traffic from the other side of the county

  60. Here's to hoping that the new mayor can stop this from happening!

    Fake Day must be getting a kickback from somebody - although he has proven that he can be that stupid all by himself!

  61. Anonymous said...
    Right now the weather is not looking any better than it was last year. I think Dorian is going to rain on their parade.

    September 1, 2019 at 6:19 PM

    I am praying that the Foke Festivus has sh!ttier weather than last year. I just want to laugh in Gay Day's face.

    Carl Anderton will be out there begging for mo munney again! Uneducated Douche Bag!

  62. Anonymous said...
    Jake Day looks like Bert from Bert & Ernie

    September 1, 2019 at 7:24 PM

    BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! He does, you are right!

  63. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone ANYONE have any say over this stuff besides the mayor? Seriously,there is no common sense in some of these decisions. I don't mean to be complaining but these roundabouts are asinine. I'm all for change when it is productive. The roundabout in Fruitland runs very smoothly. Salisbury? They look like a big waste of money. As for the Mill Street corner, a roundabout will be counterproductive as long as there is a light and a draw bridge that close.

    September 1, 2019 at 4:52 PM

    Exactly. Everyone is going to get stuck in that roundabout when the lights are red. Just think how many people are going to die because Salisbury EMS won't be able to get through that traffic.

    As far as your first question, Jack Heath and Manure Bota rubberstamp everything Fake Jake does.

  64. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A viewer writes -

    Don't believe everything you see, hear or read on Nextdoor.

    Appears the local "nextdoor" platform is simply an extended arm of the Day political machine. A member asked the question - who is Wayne King, to which other members chirped in with, "never spoke to him but I heard", "a friend of a friend told me", "never met the guy but I was told", all rumors and gossip.

    A couple of members stood up for the guy and politely squashed the innuendo only to have their comments quickly deleted.

    One asked where their comments went, only to be deleted.

    Michele Gregory whined about Mr. Kings "rabid followers" only to be outted for her social media antics - those comments swiftly deleted.

    I guess the moderators want their members to be uninformed?

    So much for civil discourse.

    Some time this spring, Wayne King was kicked off the site for talking politics. A few complained because they found it uninteresting and detracted from their rants on feral cats, but I guess the topic is back on the approved list since the topic is him?

    September 1, 2019 at 10:12 AM

    Ask Michele Gregory why the State of Maryland shut her babysitting service down? I have copies of their inspection reports where she continuously violated codes and put children at harm. The did the right thing by shutting her babysitting service down.

  65. OH YIPPE
    Dis anyone else see where jake spent our money making a food truck pad?
    how many food truck are there
    how many can fit at one time?
    so our money was spent making a pad for 2 trucks?
    how many people eat at the food truck down town?
    Lets all celebrate more wasted dollars on stupid sh!t.

  66. @10:12 am... Michele Gregory is a big fat lazy Socialist pig living off the Federal Government. That's why she keeps preaching "Medicare for All!!"

  67. This is only a great idea IF they have those 2 way green bike lanes... through in a few zebra asses to make it complete.

    1. Jake Day comes out of closet in 2020January 2, 2020 at 8:31 PM

      Dont forget to add the Zebra Speed Brick bumps there as well


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