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Friday, December 06, 2019

Teacher Pay, Small Classes Top Budget Requests

NEWARK – Requests for competitive teacher salaries, small class sizes and the latest technology highlighted a budget input session hosted by the Worcester County Board of Education.

On Tuesday, the school system hosted its annual public input session for the coming year’s budget. Budget priorities from each school were presented by parents, most of whom said they wanted to see teachers compensated well and class sizes remain small as the fiscal year 2021 budget was developed.

“We know it’s a hard job and it takes a lot of long hours and we do appreciate that,” Stephen Decatur Middle School parent Kate Gaddis said.

While competitive teacher salaries and small class sizes were the most repeated priorities, other common requests included updated technology and additional personnel. Several schools also had capital improvement requests.



  1. Why keep trying Something THAT DOES NOT WORK!! SCHOOL VOUCHERS NOW

  2. piss off, your product sucks! want more pay get a job where you actually have to produce something of value cause right now your don't!
    the results speak for themselves!

  3. Notice the subliminal message:

    "Budget priorities from each school were presented by parents, most of whom said they wanted to see teachers compensated well and class sizes remain small as the fiscal year 2021 budget was developed."

    I think teachers a grossly over compensated.


  4. Like the money will just fall out of the sky to fund this stuff.

    Taxes will just keep going up, up, up... and before you know it you will be back in the situation that you moved here to get away from.

  5. Seaside Christian Academy

  6. Best, and only way, is to start expelling the trouble makers. That's what they used to do and we didn't have the insubordinant little bast***s that we do now disrupting school and keeping the kids that actually want to learn, from learning.

  7. Get a Superintendent and an assistant superintendent that actually work. And get rid of waste like Steve Price. Worcester school system is becoming a joke.

  8. You ever drive through the school parking lot and look at what the teachers drive ? Cadillac Escalades, BMWs, Lexus, etc, etc...they are paid very well now...

  9. Don't know much about teachers salaries. I do know that they are probably not paid as much as an electrician or plumber. They do get the Summer off - paid. However, Federal employees who earned a large salary will now receive 12 weeks paid for parental leave (whatever that is). Teachers should be paid more - but we must stop hiring incompetent teachers. Teachers classes should be randomly monitored. Smaller classroom size. Taxpayers should demand that monies to Foreign counties be stopped and used for our schools. America first.

    1. They only get paid in the summer if they set it up way. Otherwise, they are paid on a ten month schedule.

  10. Why are tax payers paying for the “big wheels” to ride around in Tahoes? Aren’t cars good enough?


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