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Friday, December 06, 2019

Donald Trump was elected to break the elite. Of course they want to impeach him

When the global elite are aligned against him and laughing like the immature cool kids you hated in middle school, President Donald Trump is winning.

When the liberal law professors are neglecting their Thanksgiving turkeys to read congressional transcripts and snarking about Trump's 13-year old son, Trump is winning.

When the politicians are mad — so mad that they have shut down all policymaking to impeach the President of the United States on what constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley called "wafer thin" evidence —Trump is winning.

You have to remember: Donald Trump wasn't elected to fit in with these people — the political, intellectual class -- to make them happy, or to become one of them. He was elected to break them. And that's apparently what he's done.



  1. If you believe it you are naive.
    Mr Trump works for the elite.
    He has always worked for them.

    1. You are on the wrong website ma'am. Where you want to be is G(A)yBCnews.go.com...you're welcome...

    2. Based on your fantasies? Look at what he’s done for the country you fool

  2. Well, duh!
    The closer that President Trump gets to exposing the Swamp Rats and their myriad suckling young and sycophants (power hungry suck-ups), the more they squirm, the more they accuse others of their own transgressions, the more they spend 90% of their energy and OUR RESOURCES on transparently baseless and unfounded excoriating hearsay accusations, wholly subjective and cherry picked opinion from exclusively their their own team of zero actual witnesses of wrongdoing, the farther they slip from the relevance of what it is to represent the vast majority of the American people.

  3. Phone is ISIS,
    Great comment.
    I think the dude at 11 O’clock got it right.

    Always seem to have Chabad financiers involved in NY real estate.

  4. 11:00

    Libtard troll!

  5. He is one of the elite and he used to be a Democrat, so go figure.

  6. Come on guys
    Mr Trump is an actor
    He is reading scripts written in Langley
    He has always been financed by Chabad
    Wake up

  7. 11:53

    Call your doctor, you need to change your meds.

    1. Thats Jake Day or Josh of the Peace Alliance of the lower Shore. ..


  8. Northwest Woodsman: With all the squealing and posturing by the pedo Marxist democrats, you know that president Trump is on target and working in a target rich environment.

  9. The Democrats ARE the SWAMP !!!!

  10. The only comment I have is that I can't waste my time on ANYTHING from cnn and many other liberal butt-wipe sources. As soon as I see its source and consider it totally untrustworthy, I click the close button. Too much real news, so little time, and so VERY few real news sources exist today. I stopped reading Grimm's Fairy Tales many decades ago and have no intention of restarting. Kinda like listening to almost any politician today. WORTHLESS POS!!!!!! Excuse me, but I feel a bowel movement coming on. The best news I have had all day---and the most honest.


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