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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Spending deal gives Trump over $1.3 billion in wall funding

President Trump and congressional Republicans secured $1.375 billion in funding for a southern border wall as part of a massive year-end spending deal to fund the government through 2020.

The wall funding was a major sticking point in negotiations, but Democrats and Republicans agreed to the sum, which is the same level of spending allotted in 2019.

The legislation maintains Trump’s authority to transfer funds for more wall construction, which Democrats had also opposed.

Lawmakers in both parties were eager to avoid a spending showdown after a fight over wall funding earlier this year prompted a 35-day partial government shutdown.



  1. dims are such hypocrites. Do nothing and oppose for over two years and now that they want a vacation for the holidays, they are willing to negotiate...losers... God Bless President Trump and America...

  2. The border wall is something we can all support. It's simple cost benefit.

    YES. The facts are that MOST illegals come to the states via ports of entry OR fly into the country legally, then let their visas expire. This is fact. This accounts for over half of illegals.

    Illegals cost us 130+ billion every year. A boarder wall would cost 8 billion, roughly.

    If MORE than 6% of illegals are crossing the boarder where a wall would be... then a wall makes fiscal sense... especially given the effectiveness of border fences and walls as seen in Europe, especially Turkey.

    Support for this should not be decided on a partisan basis, which unfortunately clouds the better judgment of people on all sides. I don't like Trump, and won't vote for him again... but this border wall is a good idea.

    The administration should get complete funding... not just thrown a bone. Give them the full funding.

  3. It's border, okay. NOT a renter.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Allocating the money is great, however, some obscure pedo Marxist democrat judge will issue an injunction and put a halt to any wall building.

  5. 908 I think you just told on yourself lol.

  6. Make Demon-crats pay back all that Witch-hunt $$$$ of
    the Taxpayers that they Blew & put That towards the Wall !!

  7. Make the Damn Dems PAY for all their Tax-payer funded
    Fiascos & the Bullshhht will Quickly STOP !!!! SOLVED

  8. How much WALL would that over $ 230 Billion ,that the
    Democrats are Responsible for, letting Illegals in America
    this year build ??? ALL the way around incl Canada side !!!

    + the over $ 30 million in Witch-hunts this year Dems cost !!

  9. And the biggest deficit ever in the best economy ever.

  10. Democrats are the DEFICIT !!! Eliminate Them !!!

    Time for an ALL Republican congress !!!

  11. At least Democrats do not even pretend to be concerned about the deficit. Republicans say they are but act differently. Now who is that bad guy here?


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