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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Political Memes


  1. Serious and very true.

  2. The only folks that I see getting offended are the folks who can't force other people to say things the way they want.

    Happy Holidays, and Seasons Greeting INCLUDES your Christmas, and includes everyone else. It's not a slight or an insult. It's recognizing everyone.

    It seems to me, the only people offended and making any noise about it... really, every year with the same tantrum... is the folks that would strong arm you into compelled speech that only recognizes their religion.

    I bet this offends you. Don't let it.. it's not supposed to... I'd just like you to really think about the argument that is being made...and REALLY think about which group is getting offended an making the stink? Which group is really getting offended and getting loud about it?

    Think on it.


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