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Friday, December 27, 2019

Schools shouldn’t need school-supply Santas

Shoppers are expected to spend an average of about $500 on gifts this holiday season. Public-school teachers will likely spend as much, or more, on classroom supplies this school year.

Yet school districts already have budgeted more than $8,000 per classroom for supplies, data from to the National Center for Education Statistics indicate. So why are teachers also serving as school-supply Santas? Parents, teachers, and taxpayers deserve answers.

First, some background. AdoptAClassroom.org, a nonprofit organization that provides funding for school supplies, found that teachers spent an average of $740 each on classroom supplies in 2018, which works out to a staggering $2.3 billion in total teacher spending.

This was up significantly from just a couple of years earlier. During the 2015-16 school year, for example, teachers spent an average of $460 each on classroom supplies, according to an Economic Policy Institute analysis. Teachers in several states, including Arizona, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, and Rhode Island, as well as Washington, D.C., spent more than $500 each that year.



  1. This tells you that the schools are mismanaged. School systems country wide dominate the budgets of cities, counties and states. And yet, they continue to demand more and more money while doing a substandard job. We have fallen behind other countries because of ridiculous policies which do not educate the students for the real world, while allowing violence in one school after another.
    Time to cut the purse strings.

  2. Wasn't the lottery supposed to take care of schools?

  3. Yes 11:47 but the tax sucking wasteful education and bloated BOE s dept siphon most of the money before it hits the teachers/classroom. Why do we need so many useful idiot eggheads? Unions? DUMP IT ALL...blioated useful waste..and How much of that per student number gets to the actual classroom? And WHY DOES THE lottery commission pick up holiday wkend bay bridge tolls tabs??..another its for the children lie!!!??? If these marxist get their way expect more tax rape and pillage from these idiots.

    They have ruined education..the fix!!


  4. Do the expenses only show up in tax deductions?

    Just sayin...


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