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Friday, December 27, 2019

Politico: Democrat Insiders Say Bernie Sanders Could Win Nomination

Democratic Party insiders now reportedly believe that democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) could win the 2020 presidential nomination, despite having written him off months before.

Politico reported Thursday that the stumbles of former Vice President Joe Biden and the recent setbacks suffered by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) have given the 78-year-old Sanders, who recently suffered a heart attack, the inside track on the party’s primary contest.

As Politico noted:



  1. Uncle Bernie will have a massive heart attack when Trump wins in landslide

  2. Look out for who he picks as a running mate - that will be our president the second year when he keels over from exhaustion trying to undo everything Trump did in the past four years!

  3. Please please please let it be Crazy Bernie with Bug eyed Cortez as his VP. It will be the best chaotic entertainment ever!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Just HOW would Nancy handle that?

  5. The Dems understand Mr Trump will be given a second term.

    It will be a fake election

  6. @ 5:17, Ha Ha, keep drinking the cool aid! :)

  7. With the democrats, it's hard to tell where their biggest circus is....on the debate stage, or in the House. They are looking more and more like lunatics in their quest for power. Desperate politicians will do and say some crazy stuff.


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