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Friday, December 20, 2019

Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day And Wife Struggle With Drug Issue At Home 12-20-19

Four days ago I exposed a story about an elected official's spouse being terminated as a teacher and possible charges being filed against that person. Many have asked me to expose who and what and now I have done so.

Are we out to harm this Family, NO. However, I will not be a part of enabling them either. The matter at hand has to do with Liz Day, wife of Salisbury Mayor Jake Day, she allegedly purchasing prescription drugs from a female student. It's my understanding she will turn herself in to police today.

Look, almost every family is now dealing with, or have dealt with some sort of drug issue. I don't care how much money you have, it's in almost every walk of life, including my own home in the past. The difference is, it needs to be tackled head on and my hope for the Day Family is that EVERYTHING is brought to light in this case. The only way Liz can get back on track is to go to rehab and want to change her life for her children's sake first, then her husband. 

Jake Day has a busy schedule and finds himself away from home a lot. It's my opinion his lifestyle needs to drastically change as Family comes first. His job doesn't require him to be at bars at night and I'm certain his lack of appearances will be respected and understood. 

On another note, because of the close relationship, this case needs to be removed/transferred from Sheriff Mike Lewis and the Wicomico County State's Attorneys Office. There may be more to this situation that we'd never know about under a local investigation. The public is not going to stand and or trust this being handled locally. A crime has allegedly been committed, period. There needs to be a change of venue. 

Finally, it does not please me to expose such information. I may not agree with Jake Day but as everyone should ultimately agree, this is about drugs and family. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Day Family as this is a very difficult and challenging time and NONE of you are immune to it. Join me in doing the same and show your support for healing. 


  1. Fess up, clean up, get right with God, live a good life.

    1. v vAgree 853

      We all suffer from some sort of issues

      The family Liz and Jake need rehab

      A criminal investigation needs to be out of this county; preferably a County investigator from State Police out of Waterloo Barracks.

      ( that team at Waterloo can preform a incredible objective investigation ).

      May God be with Y'all this Christmas Season

    2. Dang I'm gonna miss popping pills with Mrs Day. Memories!!!

  2. Joe, you are man enough to support those in need even though you oppose their politics. It takes real character to do this and you have just shown your inner strength. Thanks for being a good Joe. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.

  3. Jake like Ireton is too busy being a CONTROL FREAK Jake's career connes FIRST NOT FAMILY.

  4. I want to see the PERP PIC.

  5. You can't blame this on a doctor who prescribed her opiates. Adderal isn't an opiate.

    1. But the thing is .. it wasn't prescribed to her weirdo

  6. Joe - thanks for clarifying everything. While not good news, it is better than some of the accusations that have been stated (sexual misconduct with students).

    It is nice to see you extend concern and understanding to the Day family. Drugs can be a terrible curse on our loved ones. No one is immune!

    1. Prayers for the family. Let's not persecute her. If this is true get her help. She is a great teacher and person. I'm sick of some making things worse but spreading lies. Supervisors and others involved need to get the facts before trashing someone's good chatacter. Her principal has done this several times before because she does not know how to handle situations like this. Too many good teachers have left JMB because the principal cant do her job right. If wcboe do not do something about the principal, more crap like this will continue to happen. Principal S, will continue ruining lives. Students do not respect her now that's why all this negativity about JMB exists.This is a great school, without her it would be amazing. Parents need to open their eyes and do something about the principal before their kids get hurt. Good luck Mrs Day and prayers for you and your family.

    2. 9:25- You can't blame this on the principal! Why try to deflect? She is a grown ass adult, employed to educate our children. I don't want someone, with an addiction to opioids, having a part in "grooming" my children. All the best to her, but I would not allow her to continue to teach my children anymore.

    3. BINGO! Savage is less than a savage. JMB is out of control. Ask any student or teacher. She was crap at Bennett Middle so what does the BOE do..move her to Bennett High. This system is out of control. This is like the only place where you can completely and repeatedly mess up and they just move you someplace else. There are countless students hanging out in the hallway, bathroom etc during class. She is never to be seen..now more than ever this community needs to rally together. I pray for the Day family regardless of the situation and especially when children are involved!

    4. Unfortunately moving people to other places to avoid punishment isn’t unique to this situation, for example look at the Catholic Church and how they deal with pedophiles.

    5. Hey girdletree opiates aren’t used to treat ADHD

    6. Savage is an awesome principal.

    7. Girdletree your comment is dumb. You dont know who is an addict and who isnt.there are functional crack heads you'd never even know. Just because she has a problem doesn't mean she shouldn't be able to teach. Shes a great teacher. She was able to get my kid on track when no one else could. She will graduate because of her with honors 2020. She wasn't telling the kids to do drugs. I agree she does need help but we all have issues so let's not throw rocks as if we dont live in a glass house. Just because your demons haven't been exposed dont mean you dont have any. Ijs

  7. Jake would drive anyone to drugs.

  8. She may be "buying" drugs from a female but that isn't the same as giving inappropriate relations to a male student for his adderal. It's all over Bennett's campus what she was doing.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Joe - thanks for clarifying everything. While not good news, it is better than some of the accusations that have been stated (sexual misconduct with students).

    It is nice to see you extend concern and understanding to the Day family. Drugs can be a terrible curse on our loved ones. No one is immune!

    December 20, 2019 at 9:02 AM

    Joe only scratched the surface so don't get excited about your boy Jake and Liz.

  10. Do you think his dad can make this go away?

    1. His dad got his sister her job back as a teacher when she was let go several years ago. Daddy can’t fix this...

    2. You never know deep pockets! Said sister is doing a job now she's not certified to do because they're afraid if daddy. She's also mean and taunting to the children but fakes that she's all about kindness. It's crazy.

    3. Beaver Run Elementary made her (Jakes sister) a special position because she was not a certified counselor. They made her a student advisor and did not fill the school counselor vacancy. The county passed up on several qualified applicants. They did this so she could have the counselor position at Beaver Run once she became certified months later!!!! So your children have gone this entire school year without a certified guidance counselor. Absolutely ridiculous and more proof that the good old boy system is alive and well in Wicomico County especially at the board of Ed.

  11. Joe, you are a good man. Lifting one's foe up in time of crisis shows that you realize we are one in the Eyes of God.

  12. I have personally known Liz for many years. She is a wonderful young lady, wife and mother. She has had many struggles in her life, much more than anyone knows.
    I don't know that the accusations are true or not and do not care if they are. It will not change my opinion of this fine young lady because I just know her to be a high-caliber genuinely good person. Ask anyone who has ever met her.
    So, before anyone casts judgment, please remember to walk a mile in someone's shoes. And please don't disparage her if you disagree with her husbands politics.
    Please pray for her and her family while they work through this hardship, especially during Christmas.

    1. <3 amen! Nobody deserves a judgment until they meet God the maker himself. (Or whatever affiliation) until then, reach a hand out and help. If people knew they were better than that shit, and not judged and put down, we'd have a lot more rapid recoveries

    2. 9:12am...you are a fool.

    3. 9:12 I’m sorry for the Day’s. But giving blow jobs to students for drugs does not make her a good person. And before you say that’s not true the entire student body at Bennett knows it’s true and how long it’s been going on. She deserves prayers but let’s not pretend she is a good person🤷‍♀️

    4. Then by ALL MEANS allow this POS to entice YOUR CHILD into criminal DISTRIBUTION on school property while she had been ENTRUSTED TO PROTECT the students. HOW is any of that lovely???? You are a bit and I wouldn't want my children around YOU either!

    5. So you're ok with her purchasing drugs from students and possibly given sexual favors for drugs because you've known her and she's a "good person" ! I wonder what caliber of person you are!

  13. Joe, thank you for taking the high-road. That shows good moral character.

  14. Being in the public eye suks. No judgement. People who live in glass houses don't throw stones.

    1. They put themselves in the public eye so that opens them up for judgement and what is a glass house a house you can see through well I’ve seen through this hous for a while now !!!

  15. Joe,
    I post this as anonymous as I do not want my name nor email associated with the story. My thoughts were if I was to post a comment than the info would be received by you and then the comment could be left out or deleted and not posted. I can tell you the story is much bigger than what anyone will know. Family life has been difficult on her complete with Police Corruption and cover up of reported domestic abuse since Jake is the mayor.

    What she did was wrong point blank. Jake needs to be investigated into why abuse reports by his wife were covered up.

    1. WOW who covered it up SOD PIZZA ?

    2. Thank you for coming forward. This is so true. No one knows the real Jake Day. Yes he is a wife abuser! He has been verbally and physically abusing Liz.!

    3. 9:41- SOD PIZZA?

  16. What law did she break? Serious question.

    1. This cant be a serious question.

    2. How about buying and using illegal drugs on school property you fool??? Engaging a minor in the criminal enterprise of DISTRIBUTION?? Let's start with that. Not to mention being the biggest hypocrite EVER not that you can be arrested for that.

  17. Praying for the Day Family.

  18. You would think Jake would make some type of announcement. Even if it is to say we need privacy as we deal with this private matter. No he just starts deleting her pictures off his facebook page. Seems Joe is more supportive of Liz than Jake is.

  19. Good to see people taking the high road over this issue. Hopefully this will be a wake-up for her to get her life back together and move forward.

  20. JAKE I too busy on Rainbow crosswalks and downtown Racist Mutuals to deal with home Issues.

    1. Oh, c’mon now. You are a bigot for just saying that!

    2. 9:30.., Mutuals??

    3. I think you mean murals, homeboy.

  21. So WHILE this is going on for months Jake is out Partying with his gay lib friends ?? Says a lot about fake Jake

  22. Okay and we act like most of Salisbury’s wealthiest doesn’t have a secret coke problem, come on. 🙄😂

    1. Are they in a SCHOOL BUYING DRUGS from their STUDENTS???? ENOUGH SAID

    2. Did I say she was any better or they were? No. Just everyone looks over the richy rich

  23. Look into the abuse. Especially if you really care about her. Send the investigation to MSP

  24. Okay and we act like Salisbury’s wealthiest people don’t have a secret coke problem either lol

  25. There’s also an allegation of sexual contact with a student

    1. Trading sexual favors for drugs. The kids KNOW. They always know cause kids can't keep their mouths shut.

    2. Where is the proof? Otherwise just rumors.

  26. Here's hoping Joe is smarter than to 'miss the forest for the trees'.

  27. Praying for family ,leave these people alone they know what needs to be done

  28. Interesting... How often are school employees drug tested? Is it only at time of employment offer?

    1. Never according to teachers

    2. Never. Union! Think of it like the NBA. If they drug tested, they wouldn't have enough employees lol. There's a reason neither drug test.

  29. Culver should ask the state to look into the out of control school situation in this county. Exercise some leadership and responsibility. Be the adult in the room. This is out of control. All the talk about children are our pride and future and they deserve better. Sad fact is that works until it conflicts with the administrators' inadequacies pursuing personal ambition enabled by arrogance.
    Calling you out.Do what is best for the children. Do it now

    1. 9:45.. are you kidding??? The state is the reason our schools are a mess!

  30. So instead of maybe extending help this is what we do now. We get on here and we complain and judge these peopl . All because of their name and title. What about the countless others going through this? Do you know their past lives? Do you know the current situation? Many women and men go through things we dont know. All you see from the outside is the screw ups. You're playing God in a way an exposing things that arent yours to expose. These things will come out eventually all on their own. I hope you dint turn your back on your loved ones because you could be the very reason it changes. Now, with the problems this woman obviously has, how do you not know this wont result in a mental breakdown, mental turmoil or even suicide like some end up being? If shes being abused, if shes living in fear or trouble, there is obviously more to what's going on in her life that she has to find comfort or forget in unsafe and unhealthy ways.

    Would you really care if it was just another person off the street. . . . . Probably not. It's just because of a name and title. It's almost 2020, grow up. Reach a hand out and stop passing judgement.

    1. 9:45-Are you mental? This is a news blog, and this is news! Also, you appear to have the same capacity for judgment as you claim what's happening here. I've not read a post that dismisses her character or passing judgment on her. Go back to screaming at your cats.

    2. Jake Day is fair game as he goes around trying to be this mightier than God angel. He puts up some façade about being some pure white husband and family man which most with knowledge of Jake know is a big lie. He left his last wife/girlfriend to be with this one so she is not really a victim in this situation. Like the old saying goes" You lie down with a dog you are going to get fleas" Jake needs to step down as Mayor since it is now quite clear to all that he is a fraud and an abuser.

    3. 9:45 Hmmm tables turned?

  31. People do not understand Freemasonry because it is secret. It is a terrible influence on family life and the demands on Members for blackmail-able behavior is extreme.

    Thank you

    1. Ok 948 are we back talking about the reptilian people again we are not your listeners or your children !!!

    2. 1:07- I know exactly who you're talking about. Where is Jim Jones? Haven't heard from him this week.

    3. Keep Cheering my Fellow Travelers Lol

  32. I don't agree with Jake Day's politics, but truly feel for him and his family, especially since it is Christmas. He is blessed with a beautiful wife and daughters. Drug abuse seems to be wide spread. I had a cousin who was addicted to prescription drugs and then became a Heroin addict and died of an overdose a few years ago. She was only thirty. I cannot judge him or his family for this. I only hope she gets help for her addiction and I hope the best for him and his family.

  33. Jake gets what he deserves. He is a patholigical liar and is only worried about what is in the best interest of Jake Day. He does not care about Salisbury he just thinks he will move on to better things by screwing people and lying to the. Karma is a bitch Jake. I feel sorry for the kids but he gets what he has long deserved....

  34. Clearly Liz Day make a mistake; however, there is a way bigger issue here. Jake Day is a wife Abuser. He verbally and physically abuses his wife. He is a street angel and a house devil. He married her for his political aspirations. He is gone from morning till late at night. Let’s be honest is a mayor really required to be gone from his family that long. This includes weekends. He takes pictures of him and the children and posts them on his Facebook page to make himself look good.
    His abuse has been covered up by the local police. It needs to investigated by an outside entity. Someone needs to do the right thing here and go after this small town mayor before its to late.

    1. Agreed. He is getting what he deserves.

    2. She might of made a mistake but she knew what she was getting. He left the last one for her....Karma....its a bitch.....

    3. YES you are right. Be careful what you wish for...you might just get it

    4. 12:48 he didn't leave the last one for this one..... he left her because she wasn't faithful. #getfactsstraight

  35. Please tell me what this does for us as a city ??!!! Exposing someone family with good intentions for what ??? Very confused but ok praying for her to overcome.

    1. 10:03-If your post was legible, maybe I could answer. Sorry, Inga. Extra quotations are not necessary, when your sentence makes no sense.

    2. They’re punctuations, not quotations.

  36. Drug addicts are not victims. They do need our help and our love but it has to be tough love. The more you coddle them and make them believe their problems are not their fault the more they will fail. People today have become way too soft.

  37. Hope and pray for her that our Lord will deliver her from the figurative demons that plague her.

    I , too, have feet of clay.

  38. I hope she gets the treatment she needs and I really hope he gets jail for being an abuser. Just about as low as you can go Jake the Snake that you are. Real fine example you set for the little girls in your life.

  39. Savage is a big problem even if this is true, which I am hoping it is not. Savage does not do anything to punish students but if she even gets a rumor it was a staff member she will run with it. What is going on with this family is not being deflected at all. IF this is true then yes there should be accountability no matter who they are. They represent our county. Savage humiliated another teacher at BMS for a similar situation and it was found to be untrue. She had this teacher taken out in front of her class and humiliated her. She was not under arrest and no investigation was even started. It was an allegation only from a student who lied. There were several times she got rid of a staff member for not doing anything wrong (she even said they did not do wrong) but she did not deal with it she just got rid of them because she cant deal with it. I am all for accountability and punishment for wrong doing but know your facts. She is scared of us, the students, so she will not punish anyone because she does not want conflict. This school is going to blow up because she has no control. She should help stop the rumors of any kind until the facts are known. That school needs a strong leader that makes everyone accountable.

    1. Bennett had a good leader. Her name is Amy Eskridge. Funny how Eskridge was plastered all over the news right after she was placed on administrative leave but Mrs. Day was not. Why has Day’s story already been removed from news websites? Amy Eskridge has yet to be found guilty of anything but people on social media already condemned her and saw her as guilty. So I repeat, Eskridge has not been found guilty in a court of law. Commenters are hypocrites!!!! As for Savage.... no where close to being as good as Eskridge!!!!!

  40. I'm calling BS. Sounds like a bunch of damage control now. Jake Day in his twisted mind will try to spin this in a political light. Call it what it is CHILD ABUSE, there's a lot more than drug abuse going on. Jake Day and his wife both have a serious problem with alcohol and drugs

  41. prayers for the family. Can we stop bashing their name with out knowing facts. She has not been charged with anything. To many are being judge jury and executioner. Her name is being dragged through the mud and this is most likely not true.

    1. 10:39 Oh honey the entire student body at Bennett knows it’s true. I’m sorry if the truth hurts sometimes.

    2. You "praying for them" types are delusional. Wake up! There is evil in the world.

    3. Right!! Sorry but not sorry, but what does her husband being a abusive pos, the principle or the school s apparent triphling condition have to do with her soliciting students for drugs and even having inappropriate convos w/ them. Cut the bs. Pics dont do her justice. Beautiful woman and she knows it. Used to see her around the school. Looked like a Barbie at one point. Probably spoiled entitled and used to having her way. Look at the passes she s getting on this blog. Any other average Joe or Joann she d been hung high w/ little wiggle room. No excuse for what she did. None!

    4. 1:59 the whole world "knew" it was flat at one point in time and the the earth was the center of the universe..... but, did that make it "true"?

      Only time will tell. Until then.......

  42. It is being investigated by an outside agency due to conflicts. That was established from the beginning.

    1. SOME HEADS ARE GOING TO ROLLDecember 20, 2019 at 1:26 PM


      I'm glad to learn of a outside agency involved in this investigation.

      Normally, outside investigators uncover more than folks know or care to know.

      The Sherrifs office ( since Lewis took over), has been involved in some illegal civil and criminal investigations,they knowingly coverup crimes of buddies, bullying the public in civil court hallways and parking lots, and at persons homes; illegal confiscation of Wicomico County Citizens Firearms ( some were never returned to rightful owners), false police reports that violate Constitutional rights of the accused.
      Personally, I've been subject to this treatment.

      At this point, until contacted by FBI investigators I'll remain anonymous,
      but surelyI will testify in Federal Court in the lawsuits forthcoming.

      There is a song by Rock group Judas Priest called "SOME HEADS ARE GOING TO ROLL"
      and the bees nest knocked down by what we read here is going to be an eye opener.

      When the investigations are concluded, I hope the rightful owners of property do not sue the Citizens of Wicomico county in Federal Court, BUT INDIVIDUALS responsible for violating Constitutional rights of tax paying Citizens.

      In the meantime, I thank Joe for having this blog to vent our frustrations with people in charge of County politics, police departments, and alike.

      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and pray for the Day family.

  43. Jake Day is a fraud people..wake up..and you morons voted him back in. He is a physical,verbal and mental abuser to his family. All covered up by local police and Sheriff Mike Lewis. I hope his wife gets help and his kids get the help they need but Jake deserves what he gets...hopefully jail time. He needs to be removed from office st the minimum. Disgrace to the City of Salisbury. Born liar who is only worried about himself. Too busy making rainbow crosswalks
    ..hanging with his little boys and going away for his reserve training so he can hang with some more young men.....hmmmmmmmmm. let's think...

    1. Wasn't it like just 2000 people who voted for Day. Do think those "morons" are the people that support this blog? Shouldn't you be posting on WBOC if you feel that strongly? Their audience voted for Day, not Albero's.

  44. anonymous 10:05 You are so off page judging people. Again it all stems back to a teacher who is most likely a victim of Savage. Even if true she did not know how to handle the situation that has not been proven. She will sell our her staff in a heart beat. She is trying to get to the board so she wants to make herself look good by humiliating others. God forbid she helps anyone. I saw first hand how she humiliated Mrs. Day. A little more professionalism would have been the right thing to do, especially when it was just an accusation .

    1. 11:03-Who did I judge? I stated I wasn't judging. Learn to read "student." Again with Savage? I AM gonna judge now. You're pathetic! What the hell are you even going on about? Rant after rant about Savage! Have you even read the original post? We my as well talk about the 1980's TV show "Taxi". You know, back when it was good. That would make as much sense as you keep ranting about Savage!

  45. God may judge you in the end, but I have every right to judge a pedophile for raping a child. That is what it is. Rape.

  46. There are drug dealers on every block in Salisbury. Why would she buy her drugs from a student when they are so plentiful here?

  47. This type of behavior by those you least expect is more prevalent in “small town” America than people realize. It can be covered up only so long before the “lid pops”. Stay tuned, more to come, same channel and station.

    1. Yup.... though they're just people issues of the human condition. I have seen it locally myself in Delmar, DE, Berlin, and OC as well. Happens all over the world. No place, demographic, etc is immune. It's life. I hope the Days, those others involved, and you ALL heal. Love is always the answer.

  48. Forget Jake...he's a POS hands down, should NEVER have been re-elected and should be removed as Mayor of Salisbury, MD.

    One thing a bit puzzling to me is Liz Day is a BOARD MEMBER with Clarion Call Restoration Ministries. For those that don't know what that is, here I quote their MISSION STATEMENT:

    "Clarion Call Restoration Ministries is a faith based program that focuses on battling addiction with prevention, education, facilitating, recovery and prayer. Our focus is the restoration of healing the mind, body and soul of those suffering with addiction and their families."

    Having lost a young family member to drug addiction I know the devastation it brings to families...I pray Liz gets the help she needs and the children are placed in a less hostile and safe environment.

  49. Seems like the real Jake Day is coming into view...hope you people are happy with what you re-elected. Let's see the local law enforcement try and keep hiding Jake's abuse now...have a good day Jake....

  50. Liz is a GREAT teacher so whoever said she wasn't knows nothing about her teaching abilities, has never seen her or anything she does. She was caring and energetic and everything you'd want in a teacher. I don't know what portion of this is true, but I know she has a kind heart. I pray for the best for her and her kids.

    1. Apparently she’s got many teacher’s pets. Good teacher? Buying drugs off kids? Kids learn more from actions than books. Can’t imagine her actions are really backing up your insane retort here.


  52. All I know is that it is despicable that Jake Day, our mayor as well as husband and father was drinking and "all over" a woman that is not his wife out in public at the Brick Room. Wow!! And he's our leader?? What if your children had walked in Jake? What would you have said? Real solid character there!!!!
    I agree - another "privileged" rich kid who thinks he can do whatever he wants and treat people however he wants.
    It's time Salisbury gets a mayor with integrity!!!

    1. You just skipped over a guy with integrity that was running for mayor. An outsider that's not connected to all this crap.

  53. Let's see what charges transpire in this situation....and let's see what happens to Jake Day. This will let you know the full extent of the cover up. If domestic abuse was covered up, along with other things, then all involved whether it be the Salisbury police, Wicomico Sherriff's Office, Mike Lewis or the Salisbury Police Chief..they al need to face the music.


  55. I dont care what color you are what type of job you have are really even your social status,people who do drugs its a choice she needs jail for contributing to a minor well fair illegal purchasing of these drugs and most likely doing drugs on a school campus ,way to go jake great family you guys are winners of this community (not) i think you ought to step down and go live with your big painting on church st

    1. What does the pairing on Church St have to do with anything! Why are so many white people upset about this? Get a grip, it’s an awesome tribute to awesome people, who happen to be black. This is 2019, not 1862! BTW, I am white.

    2. Well in today’s time if a mural of white peoples are painted you’re immediately attacked as a white supremacist by white liberals lol

    3. Really 6:21 not only are there Caucasian murals, there are statues, mountains... that's just so ughh...gtfoh

    4. That mural on church street was supposed to be inspirational for the community any hopefully give youths some leadership to follow. How's that working out for Salisbury?

  56. There are drug users and dealers on this blog daily, and they are constantly beat up by the commentators, but she gets popped for using/buying from a student no less and now prayers?! Just a few days ago, there was a post about a dealer/user in Pittsville area, no prayers for the family etc.
    I don't care whose wife she is, justice should be blind, so should the comments on this blog.
    If this was you or I, we would not be afforded such sympathy.

  57. Liz is being represented by hit and run John Pheobus who is still sucking up to the cops to make up for his own drunken behavior. She's screwed.

    1. Agreed. Phoebus should have had a DUI but ran around Somerset county to avoid being caught. He is an arrogant p.o.s.

  58. This type of behavior is the "Norm" for downtown Salisbury. Keep cheering and excepting this type of behavior as acceptable or worse even desirable. Jake Day will throw her under the bus to salvage his political aspirations. Jake is the biggest fraud salisbury has seen in awhile. Why do you think so many of those that were close to Day have distanced themselves? Day started believing all that BS Mike Dunn has been spreading about "being in the presence of greatness"

    1. Mike Dunn?! Consider the source. He’s an absolute tard.

  59. Actually, she doesn't need to get sober for anyone but HERSELF. NOT the kids, not her husband, not Santa. Herself.

  60. 11:03 For your info Savage is the principals name.

  61. 11:34 You are an idiot. Look at what that person wrote and learn how to write a complete sentence. The person was talking about the principal at JMB because she can not handle situations in her school and she is known for selling out her teachers before getting all the facts. I know what he was talking about. You are just a moron.

    1. Lol. No she s trying to save her own skin can u blame her. As good of a principal Amy Eskeridge is she was too team teacher and now who has her back. I m not mad at savage.


  63. Where does it say about the student who sold her the drugs? I hope that student is made accountable. and 1:56 that's messed up saying she is giving sexual favors for drugs. Do you know or spreading rumors? She is a good person who is accused of doing a bad thing. She is not guilty as of now. some of you people need to grow up. Better supervision in the school would pay off. I agree with the person who said the principal is worthless. She will not even break up a fight. She humiliated Mrs. Day like she always does. She will take the side of anyone over her staff because its easier to get rid of a staff member than actually deal with a problem. Just like she did in this situation.

    1. They are minors idiot. She is accused of buying drugs from a female and sleeping with a Male for drugs at the school. If I had to live with Jake the abuser I would take drugs and sleep with other people too...

    2. Right. And she definitely has the people s champ, cool, hot teacher look. She could talk those kids bout into anything

  64. thank you joe for telling the news and not covering it up like the news stations

  65. How long will it be before Franchot issues that call saying, “Thanks for considering running for Lieutenant Governor but....no, Thanks!”?

    1. Why would Franchot want a wife abuser running for Lt. Governor?

  66. Hmmm. Funny how this hasn’t been on BOC or MDT. Wonder why?

    1. Because they suck! Wmdt has known about it but they suck.

  67. Jake day stop this the road work down town. Your making life so much more difficult. Wasting my taxes.

    1. Anybody drove on Mill street or Isabella street lately ? They are terrible (worst in Salisbury) and all they want to do is waste more money on unneeded traffic circles

  68. I think a few more roundabouts in town will make this go away 🙄

  69. I guess that is why the needed to triple the Mayor's salary....drugs and alcohol are expensive theses days.

  70. Many women end up abusing forms of ADHD medications to keep up with the ever growing demands that is a mothee, wife and employee in todays world, anyone who lives in our area is aware that her husband is a piss poor husband and father. Its one thing to comment on the big mistake she made and is being charged for but to spread disgusting vile rumors about sexual favors with students is ridiculous and detrimental to anyone!! labeling someone as a pedophile without any hard proof is appalling

    1. You excusing it as rumor without proof is also disgusting!

    2. What Ms. Day did was wrong, but her husband need to raise his hand 🖐 to accept responsibility for this as well. The title of husband and father should not be associated with Mayor Day. He is NEVER home with his children and when you see him in pictures with them its clearly for his political gains. With regards to his wife that marriage is only on paper. He used that young lady to have a women and eventually a family by his side once again to further his career. It’s so sad that a man can ruin other people’s lives just to better his own.

  71. Where were teachers like this when I was a kid?

  72. Teachers cursed at, kids walking the halls laughing at teachers that try to correct it. No respect. They have no authority. What happened?

    1. We have teachers like THIS!!! THEY DONT DESERVE RESPECT.

    2. Check with barack hussein obama

    3. Agreed she as a teacher doesn't deserve respect. However, not all teachers are like her, there are some damn good ones out there and they are stuck dealing with mouthy, lazy, disrespectful, self entitled little brats and can't do anything about them or their behaviors because of the DOJ and our former President who helped make the word racism acceptable to use whenever you don't like a consequence for doing something wrong or not earning what you want!

  73. Look i think we all feel bad for the family because of the drug abuse, but when she choose and i say choose to cross the line to get underage children involved that are entrusted to her and to do it in a school which are drug free zones. There is a huge problem. Nobody is immune to drug abuse, all it takes is being in pain and getting hooked on pain killers. I know a few myself that it happened to. Good people but just trying to cope with pain, It happens but you don't turn to underage student to feed your drug habit. She broke the law in several ways and in a big way if it is true that she was trading favors for those drugs and it's criminal. I to pray for that family because its not just about her now, its about the whole family and those that care about her. Please get her the help that she needs. Merry Christmas all.

    1. While no one is immune to drug abuse, it takes a certain special stupid to score drugs from your students when you are a TEACHER?! For Christ’s sake, quit trying to explain this stupidity and God forbid excuse it! Scoring drugs from your student makes you a crappy teacher. End point.

  74. Name the teachers you had sex with in school and see if this is a new epidemic or has always happened

  75. Wow some of you people have been watching way to much t.v. Nothing about having sex with anyone 16 and over is violation of the law Maryland and nor does it make one pedophile. The reason it would be criminal is because she is in care and control. As for the drugs Adderal acts like a stimulant for adults much like Ritalin did back in the 80's. She will not be the last to take Momma's little helpers. As for trading sex for drugs that is truly sad period. That could result in charges. As for the Jake Day cover-up regarding Domestic Violence. If the public had any idea of how much DV is covered up within the law enforcement community it would make you sick. It is also a violation of Maryland Law. Many cops use their spouse for a punching bag. Mike Lewis has covered for his troops on this matter many times. The suspension of a police officer that batter their spouse is to be immediate and gun and badge removed pending investigation. Yes this lady needs to be treated fairly and judged in our hypocritical system we call the court and not a public lynching we are acting like the Democratic party when we do that. We expect the police and teachers to take care of our children at the schools. Sad times we live in really. Great work by those involved in stopping this situation. Christmas will be a time for healing for those involved. This time of year will remind them of all this conflict. You know God forgives us for our sins every day. Every day is a new beginning and none of us are greater then he. Joe as always thanks for the news. Have a Merry Christmas.

    1. There are a lot of things greater than an imaginary entity that is behind the scenes. This has nothing to do with religion. She made a bad choice, did something illegal, now she needs to teap the consequences of her actions. This has nothing to do with the ass of a Mayor you all voted for. I didn't vote for him as I don't live in the City. He's not my Mayor. Let her be charged, correctly, do her time, get the kids counseling and move on.

    2. This is a reasonable post except the allegation of sexual misconduct is not part of any charge and is therefore just gossip as far as I know. Since it is just gossip, I think folks should stop talking about it. Addiction to meth type drugs like this is one of the worst. That does not excuse her behavior in any way. We have to ask ourselves how we can prevent this from happening. She will lose her career in teaching, at least for now but likely for some time. I admit like many I have been troubled by this. I hope she is able to get help, and I believe we must all step back and acknowledge how prevalent drug addiction is and how utterly difficult prescription drug addiction is. Jake has not been charged with anything. Tons of gossip but we all have to ask: How would you feel gossiped about and accused things that may well be entirely untrue. It is nobodys’ right to slander a neighbor.

  76. 12:01
    You better look up the law. 16 is the age of consent in Maryland. However that only applies if the partner is not over 29. Maryland has laws prohibiting teachers or other school employees with students under 18.

  77. This is what I think went down.

    Liz befriended this young out casted young girl. The girl needed friends. The young girl spoke to Liz about how she went to a psychiatrist and was on certain anti-depressant drugs and offered Liz a couple(or maybe she was already familiar with them). She liked them so much she used the girl as a way to get the drugs and knew no one else. She was an idiot. Kids talk. Someone got wind of it and an investigation began. It might really be this simple. And I hate Jake Day. Liz should never teach children again, regardless. Poor judgement.

    OR - the rumors are true.

    1. Really? You're blaming a child who is having issues for what her teacher did? Hence, what's wrong the world today. Stupid.

  78. I know I've had my problems with alcohol.I can relate to Liz.

    1. DOD you proposition students in your care because of alcohol problems? No! Didn't think so. So how can you relate? Stupid.

  79. Anonymous said...
    You can't blame this on a doctor who prescribed her opiates. Adderal isn't an opiate.

    December 20, 2019 at 9:02 AM

    I have heard it called 'the poor man's cocaine.

  80. Anonymous said...
    Savage is an awesome principal.

    December 21, 2019 at 6:56 PM

    Are you the principal?

  81. Anonymous said...
    Joe - thanks for clarifying everything. While not good news, it is better than some of the accusations that have been stated (sexual misconduct with students).

    It is nice to see you extend concern and understanding to the Day family. Drugs can be a terrible curse on our loved ones. No one is immune!

    December 20, 2019 at 9:02 AM

    No one said the sexual allegations are not true. You need to wake up you little Snowflake!

  82. https://www.openthebooks.com/maps/?Map=90001&MapType=Pin

    Look at the BOE Salaries still think no one makes any money at the Board and tell me why they shouldn`t be held accountable for our childrens safety

    1. Yes exactly. I have heard that this has been reported to administrators that she had a problem or such and nothing was ever investigated or done by the school.

  83. Liz Day made a big mistake, but she doesn’t have a drug problem. What she does have is a controlling, abusive husband that is your Mayor. If something happens the people who look the other way will have blood on their hands.

  84. ""Attempted"" posession"??? how absurd,odd, strange, weird....whaaatevah. EVERYONE can now be arrested for thinking. If she gets a Real attorney, not one of those d grade, Salisbury go along with whatever the prosecutor says low life, lazy bum, take your money and run, bottom of the barrel ,fakes she can get off simply by paying said "Real attorney" and maybe crying a little in court. No reporters or anyone that has nothing to do with the case in That courtroom, the ahem judge , ha ha, will want to keep this one under wraps. Save yourselves Salisburians GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE!!!

  85. It awful the way people talk about her. She just needs some attention for her WAP.

  86. All the awful comments about such a nice and beautiful individual. She just needs a shocker.


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