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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Privacy concerns over proposed cameras to catch distracted drivers in Maryland

ROCKVILLE, Md. — The world's first artificial intelligence traffic camera system designed to catch and ticket drivers distracted by hand-held devices has been deployed in Australia. Maryland legislators are now considering a bill that would legalize the practice in the Old Line State.

Montgomery County's Council is split over whether to support the bill because of privacy concerns. The council voted 5 to 3 this week to "take no position" on the proposed change in state law.

"I think it's a bad idea," Councilmember Will Jawando said. "I think there are serious, serious privacy issues here and some serious potential for racial equity issues."

Jawando and other opponents noted the cameras are designed to peer inside motorists' vehicles from above and can capture images and information not related to a distracted driving offense.



  1. This is all about revenues generated from confiscation. Period!

  2. Race factors in how?

  3. A recent study has found that facial recognition software is not as accurate in people of color.

    1. It doesn't need to see a face, just a rear tag. Like speed and stop light cameras

  4. So now they will have to take out the blowers in vehicles for drunk drivers as they are a handheld device

  5. What if they are illegal and never pay?

    1. Then the state won't get the money, that simple

  6. 10:32 the reason they aren't as accurate for people of color is that the darker the skin tone the more lighting is needed, so in effect there would reverse discrimination against white people. Democrats will love that.

  7. Where the box iron guy at? More cameras more taxes more Patriots!

  8. Two words.

    Keep cheering.

  9. Beer in your cupholder...busted! Taking a toke....busted? What else will the cameras be set to detect? Took a while, but our government has finally caught up with 1984.


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