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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Dogs may soon return to restaurants in Delaware

DOVER — Turns out you soon may be able to bring your dogs to restaurants after all.

In August, the Division of Public Health began stepping up enforcement of a little-known policy prohibiting most canines from food establishments. Now, the agency is proposing changes to the laws governing food safety in the state, including one that would allow pups “in designated OUTDOOR SPACES that are not used for food storage or preparation, when a person controls the animal and if a health or safety hazard will not result from the presence or activities.”

Every month, the state publishes a list of proposed changes to regulations, which, unlike laws, can be adjusted by a state agency rather than the General Assembly. Among the items on December’s list is one stating DPH intends to replace the Delaware food regulations with the federal 2017 food code, with a few alterations.



  1. I won’t go to a restaurant that allows dogs

  2. People, leave your pets at home where they are comfortable!

  3. This is stupid there shouldn't even be service dogs allowed in any public stores or businesses, we never needed them for decades not needed now. It is just an excuse for everyone and I mean everyone to throw a blanket on a dog and call it a service dog. Leave your pets home where they should be not every one wants dog noses in freezers at the grocery stores, or deficating in public places. Your pets would actually prefer home in their comfort.

  4. Leave them at home.
    OK, I will mention comfort . . .

  5. Service dogs are highly trained and needed, wherever
    the person that has them goes. Try to understand that
    people! They have more manners than most humans !
    Hopefully there will be some civilized remarks on
    here ! There has not been thus far concerning the need
    and value of these Specialized dogs.

  6. OUTDOORS is fine, just don't bring them inside where I am eating, unless a true service dog. Just bringing your pets with you to sit in the restaurant while you dine is not what I see this regulation is about. Bring them, and you will eat outside, like the dog. I get it...and I agree with it. Don't read more into it than what is there.


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