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Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Rob Smith: Black Americans ‘Understand How They’re Being Condescended to’ by the Left

Turning Point USA contributor Rob Smith told SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow in a Monday interview that he believes the black voter turnout for President Donald Trump in 2020 will be significantly higher than it was in 2016.

This will be so because the president actually has a political record to reference, that shows positive results for black communities in America. Smith also touched upon the left’s condescending demeanor toward black conservatives.

“We’re looking at 34 percent [of black approval ratings] among two different polls,” said Smith. “We’ve been seeing Trump polling higher and higher among African American voters, and the significance is — post 2016, going into 2020 — we’re looking at higher polling based not on what people are saying — but on what the administration is doing, and has done.”

“I think the three major things that are going on right now,” continued Smith.


  1. No one should ever want to spend their life being a victim. Being a part of the Democrat party means you need to be a victim of something. It doesn't surprise me that black's are tired of the same ole same ole. They keep trying to make everyone a victim for everything so they can maintain their relevance. They really don't have anything else to offer.

  2. Good! Finally the “woke” moment.

  3. Hey those out there of African American decent. Join the republicans and stop being victims and start being winners!

  4. Join your WHITE brothers and MAGA 2020 !!! WELCOME

  5. White & Black Fought side by side in WAR & can damn shure Fight together here in America , with a VOTE !!!!

  6. Take out the Demon-crat TRAITORS !!!! MAGA

  7. Finally starting to get it after 150 years? Maybe so, but I'll believe it when I see it.


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