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Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Mayor Buttedge Promises Government Health Care for Illegal Immigrants

Mayor Pete Buttigieg on Sunday told a Hispanic worker in South Carolina that illegal immigrants would have access to government-funded health care if he was elected president.

Buttigieg was filmed by a supporter speaking Spanish to the worker, explaining who would be covered under his proposed plan.

He said:
So the most important thing for me is that we offer the opportunity for health care to all in our country, and this includes the opportunity to buy this plan of Medicare for All who want it. That is our solution. And this opportunity to buy this plan is for everyone regardless of their immigration status.


  1. This needs to STOP !!! ONLY Americans get Benefits !!

  2. Note the title leaves out he specifically said BUY a plan. Illegals need healthcare too folks. The hospitals are obligated to treat illegals. No plan means illegals truly do become a strain on hospital finances.

  3. Illegals should get their health care - in prison!

  4. This radical liberal thinking will be his demise.

  5. Buttedge - you got the title right!

  6. See Donald Trump before you make that announcement...

  7. Why doesn't he try it in his own city: tax the daylights out of his voters, give free health care to the illegals, then run for his life so that the voters don't tar and feather him!

  8. That idiot stands about as much chance of getting elected as the Hildabeast.

  9. They will need insurance when the first shots ring out

  10. He is a "butt-head " !!!

  11. stop stealing our taxpayer $$$$ & giving it away !!!

    or don't expect us to pay ANY more taxes !!!!

  12. This is guy is a pain in the butt.

  13. We can only let them have benefits > If the Demon-crats
    PAY for it & Not use ANY taxpayer $$$$ !!! Go Ahead !!!

  14. Take it from Dem's campaign Funds !!!!


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