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Thursday, December 12, 2019

John Kennedy: It is 'easier to divorce your spouse' than get fired from the FBI

Sen. John Kennedy said it was easier to get divorced than get fired from the FBI, during a hearing with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

Horowitz appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday to discuss his report assessing the Trump-Russia investigation. Kennedy was questioning Horowitz about the findings of his nearly 500-page report into the origins of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, which looked into alleged ties between associates of President Trump 2016 campaign and Russia.

The Louisiana Republican characterized it as the “misfire hurricane” investigation and asked Horowitz how many members comprised the investigative team.



  1. Apparently No-one in the Obama /Clinton FBI get Fired or
    even get anything at all !!!!

  2. Reminds me of the movie, The Oxbow Incident". Hang 'em. No proof, no witness and disclaimed any evidence to the contrary.

  3. I think that's true for ANY government job.

  4. Double Standard & Proves some ARE above the law !!!


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