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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Joe Biden: ‘We’re All Dead’ if We Don’t Stop Using Fossil Fuels

Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed during a Sunday campaign event that “we’re all dead” if fossil fuels continue to be used as one of the world’s primary energy sources.

Biden made the apocalyptic pronouncement while discussing climate change before a crowd of supporters in Peterborough, New Hampshire.

“If we don’t stop using fossil fuels–” an attendee began a question to the candidate.

“We’re all dead,” Biden interrupted.

Earlier in the event, Biden vowed as president to hold energy giants liable for global warming and made a pledge to even jail executives.



  1. And his son was on the board of fossil fuel in a unregulated country until last month. Lol. It’s like they don’t no their is a internet

  2. Biden supporters are not very excited about shis campaign speech. They look bored 😂

  3. Ha ha

    Biden looks like he lives in a graveyard

  4. When all fossil fuel is gone the alternative fuels will kick in.By that time every alternative source will have reached it's peak.Historically speaking,one energy form reaches it's expiration point when the next one kicks in.This is no different.

  5. Biden is dead already he just doesn't know it . Weekend at Creepy Joes could be. a movie

    1. Why. Did he do something to implicate Hillary?

  6. Anonymous said...
    And his son was on the board of fossil fuel in a unregulated country until last month. Lol. It’s like they don’t no their is a internet

    December 31, 2019 at 9:19 PM



  7. Follow up question: Creepy Uncle Joe, what powers your seaside mansion? And your up north digs by Wilmington? Are you walking the talk or just doing a zombie shuffle?

  8. Well crap, he's brain dead anyway so what does it matter what he says.


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