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Tuesday, December 31, 2019


If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.

This seems self-evident, but as Jim Rickards noted in a recent article about the ever-growing levels of debt, people tend to ignore this indisputable truth.

Total global debt reached a record of over $250 trillion in the first half of 2019, according to an Institute of International Finance report published in November. Global debt surged by $7.5 trillion through the first half of the year. “With no sign of a slowdown, we expect the global debt load to exceed $255 trillion in 2019, largely driven by the US and China.”

According to SRSrocco, global debt has added $100 trillion in debt since the 2008 financial crisis

“Now, the majority of that debt went into the Stock, Bond, and Real Estate Markets. This is precisely why the US stock market has reached an all-time new high. Unfortunately, when the US and the global economy finally enters into a recession-depression, the asset values will crash while the debts remain.”


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