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Monday, December 16, 2019

Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Father of Two Freed into U.S. Again by Obama-Appointed Judge

An illegal alien accused of killing a father of two, Corey Cottrell, in June has been released from law enforcement custody into the United States by an Obama-appointed judge for the second time since Cottrell’s death.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, Jose Rodriguez, a 27-year-old illegal alien from Honduras, is accused of running a red light on June 22 in Illinois, causing him to hit and kill 39-year-old Corey Cottrell, who was riding his motorcycle at the time to visit his mother Kathy. Police said Rodriguez fled the scene of the accident and turned himself in the following day.

Rodriguez was ordered to be deported six years ago but never left the U.S. Later, it was revealed that the sanctuary state of Illinois issued a driver’s license to Rodriguez. Though the Cottrells consider the case a murder, to date, Rodriguez has only been charged with fleeing the scene of an accident with a death involved, speeding, and running a red light.

After being released from McLean County custody, Rodriguez was taken into custody by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. From there, Rodriguez was able to appeal his deportation order from six years ago, and federal immigration Judge Samuel Cole allowed the illegal alien to be freed from ICE custody without any GPS monitoring on November 15.

Judge Cole was appointed to his position in August 2016 by former President Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch.



  1. The Judge is Culpable

    Sue em Patriots

  2. Another Obama appointee unwinding the laws to accommodate their own form of governing,

  3. Can only hope he drives same route as judge

  4. God Bless President Trump. He is trying to fix this very problem...

  5. Deport the judge. Oh and Obastard too.

  6. As Troy would say "SHOOT UM"

  7. Start arresting these judges.


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