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Monday, December 16, 2019

Actress Claims Hallmark Channel Fired Her For Demanding Diversity: ‘Bigotry Comes From The Top’

Actress Hilarie Burton (“One Tree Hill”), wife of actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan, publicly accused Hallmark Channel of firing her after she demanded more inclusivity in a particular movie in which she had been hired to star.

In a Twitter thread on Sunday, the 37-year-old Burton claimed that Hallmark Channel told her to “take it or leave it” when she insisted on more diverse casting in her particular project, including an LGBTQ character.

“Just going through some old emails from a [Hallmark] job I was ‘let go’ from back in January,” her Twitter thread began, as reported by Fox News. “I had insisted on an LGBTQ character, an interracial couple and diverse casting. I was polite, direct and professional. But after the execs gave their notes on the script and NONE of my requests were honored, I was told ‘take it or leave it.’ I left it. And the paycheck. Sh***y being penalized for standing up for inclusivity. I really wanted that job. It was close to my house. It paid really well.



  1. Cancel couture has no friends or limits. The forcing of the Minority on the Majority can only backfire.

  2. She is being paid millions of dollars to play pretend and dress up for a Christian based company. So she demands the company change is core values and religious beliefs over talking points for a political party. However she is probably lying. Seems that is what most actors do.

  3. So now second rate actors/actresses can demand more time. How egotistical.

  4. Z list actress producing a list of demands, and she's somehow shocked she basically got laughed at.

  5. She is apparently to dumb to realize it's their company and they run it the way they want. Making requests or suggestions is one thing but demands,nah your a$$ is outta here. Libtards just don't get it.

  6. They never fired her. She jumped the gun by making "demands" before she was ever hired. They just didn't hire her after the demands. She flunked the interview. Poor little snowflake.

  7. Black booked in Hollywood. Bet she won't be in any movies. Most likely, be a guest on the view next week


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