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Saturday, November 09, 2019

Women donations for Trump surge, No. 1 in suburbs

Despite a crush of stories that suggest he is losing suburbs largely due to women deserting him, President Trump is seeing a surge in donations from women and is tops in receiving big checks from suburban women.

He has the most big-dollar suburban women donors, 10,534, and has received the most from them, $8,293,135, than any of the Democrats, according to a study from OpenSecrets.org, part of the Center for Responsive Politics.

Overall, he ranks fifth in donations from women at $15.1 million. The leader is Sen. Bernie Sanders at $17.1 million, according to the group.



  1. Trump's policies will protect women and they should think about that because the liberal policies sure won't.

  2. Where women are concerned, Dems have talked a big game for years. All they come up with are more Swamp creatures, many the worst of them, and years of empty promises. One need only look at the current Dem run Congress, where the Dems are consumed by their own envy to the result of becoming a terrible and pathetic joke.


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