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Saturday, November 09, 2019

Vindman transcript highlights Schiff efforts to block GOP questioning about whistleblower

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff took steps to block Republicans from questioning Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman about leaks damaging to President Trump during his closed-door testimony.

The California Democrat blocked GOP lawmakers from questioning Vindman about his conversations with other members of the intelligence community following a July 10 meeting with Ukraine government officials and after Vindman listened in on a July 25 call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

At the July 10 meeting, Vindman reported, the Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, told the Ukrainians they must first pledge to investigate actions by former Vice President Joe Biden to protect the Burisma gas company and also allegations that Democrats interfered in the 2016 elections with the help of Ukraine.

Rep. Jim Jordan asked Vindman if, following the meeting, he “related the Sondland comments … with any other individual.” Republicans are interested in determining who provided the information to the whistleblower, who did not listen to the July 25 call.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: How many of you know that Jacob Schiff, a Jewish New York investment banker, financed the Russian revolution of 1918 that brought communist rule to Russia and eventually all of Eastern Europe. Coincidence that our current Shifty is forcing Marxist style programs on us?

  2. Northwest Woodsman: I’m separating thoughts here in an attempt to insure that part of my inconvenient truth gets printed. It is my recollection that of over three hundred principal actors in the Russian revolution and its aftermath, all but approximately thirteen were Jews. I’m beginning to see some significant connections here.


  3. Too many coincidences. 3 brothers as kids immigrate from Ukraine; all end up as Army officers. Eldest is now international businessman. Twin 1 is the Lt. Col. who dug out his uniform to testify, but who was apparently one of the leakers from NSC. Twin 2 is also a Lt. Col. and lawyer on NSC.

    Don't have to be Sherlock Holmes or Columbo to get curious.

  4. Lt. Colonel is code for intelligence.

  5. Agree. You have connected the dots. Now Schiff must go


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