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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Top doctors call for an end to daylight saving time:

A team of doctors in the US has said daylight saving time should be 'eliminated' because it can damage people's health.

They said shifting the clocks back and forth every year leads to a rise in the number of heart attacks and strokes and can affect children's brain development.

Young children, the elderly, women and people with cancer appear to be more susceptible to the effects of the time shift.

Dr Beth Malow and Dr Kanika Bagai, from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, and Dr Olivia Veatch from the University of Pennsylvania expressed their concerns in a journal.



  1. I agree. Leave the time alone, period. It is what it is.

  2. Daylight savings time is the government trying to control the sun.

  3. There's a huge spike in seasonal depression starting on the day that clocks are changed in the fall. The rationale for time change has become weaker over the years, so let's eliminate the program in the name of mental health.

    1. My ass, it's all propaganda. Weak minds are easily controlled

  4. I agree with leaving the time alone!! I am waiting for the day when we know longer have daylight saving time. Can't wait.

  5. I thought the time changes were to HELP the farmers back in the day...it's no longer needed, so let's stop it.

  6. I agree with leaving the time alone!! I am waiting for the day when we know longer have daylight saving time. Can't wait.

  7. Some New England states are already going to Atlantic time. I would rather they set it and never change it. It's a pain each year to have to go around and change my wall clock, my alarm clock, my oven clock, my microwave clock, my clock in my truck, my clock in my car and my wrist watches!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh and my desk clock at my office!!!!

    I don't mind going to work in the dark so that there is extra light in the evening. It isn't that may weeks before the days start getting longer again and there is light in the morning.

  8. No one likes the time change but everyone seems to like the longer hours of sunlight in the summertime. If you do away with daylight savings time it will get darker in the summertime.

  9. Most ppl I talk to would like to see an end to DST. It may have served a purpose when first implemented but is it really needed now?

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My ass, it's all propaganda. Weak minds are easily controlled

    November 5, 2019 at 8:03 PM

    You have the nerve to talk about weak minds with a comment like that?

    1. Yes indeedy I do Snowflake 8:03

  11. I can tell you that as a professional working in the disability/special education sector for 30 years that it plays havoc on these people. In my opinion it is just not worth it.


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