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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

City PIA Is different than Sate FOIA

Jake said he did not know about the geese being euthanized when it was discovered they were gone. It was decided on June 10th and the "killing" was done in July some time. The question I have is, who can figure out whose signature is that over "cooperatives signature"??? Is it Jake's, Stevenson's, etc... Someone please figure it out.  (See bottom of page 1 on the second document)

Why did I have to get this info from the state of MD? Chris DeMoan did not send me this document when I asked him for a PIA from the city in reference to the geese, and obviously must have had a copy of it. Do you smell a rat?

Editor's note: Looks like the signature of Julia Glanz.  I will leave it up to the readers to decide
On Friday, October 4, 2019, 02:55:39 PM EDT, Christopher Demone <cdemone@salisbury.md> wrote:

Mr. King,

In response to your Public Information Act request for “…information on the euthanizing of the geese {and ducks} at the Salisbury city park last July.
What was the date of the approval to euthanize the geese? Who made the request from the state to initiate this process? What was the cost to the City of Salisbury to have the geese euthanized? Who or what shelter(s) received the geese meat? What methods in the past were used to control the geese population before euthanizing them? “
  please see the following answers to your questions, provided in the order they appear in your request:

1.       Approval was given to the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/Wildlife Service on June 10th, 2019.
2.       The contact was Ronald Healey, District Supervisor MD/DE/DC Wildlife Services Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service United States Department of Agriculture. He coordinated with the City’s Director of Field Operations, Tom Stevenson.
3.       The City of Salisbury paid $6,892.00 from the City’s Stormwater Fund to the USDA.
4.       This is not information to which the City would be privy. For that information, you would need to reach out the USDA.
5.       The Salisbury Zoo is registered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to perform nest management. In the past they have employed a method whereby a professional uses a pin or other pointed object to puncture unhatched eggs – a process known as addling. The only other method which has been employed in the past involved placing wooden cutouts of wolves around places where geese gathered.  The technique is very effective for about a week, until the geese become accustomed to seeing the cutouts, at which point they begin to ignore them.

Christopher M. Demone
Public Information Officer
City of Salisbury
125 N. Division St.
Salisbury, MD 21801


  1. We've always known that Day's a liar- the only difference is, he got caught!


  2. This is true. Yes, the truth. It is a dark hour, my listeners. Fellow travelers, it is apparent that they have succeeded. You know who (of course you do). Soros and the New World Order Globalists. Yes. It is true. They will stop at nothing to silence you. Hush, they say. Nothing to "see" here. Yes, there is. There are many malfeasances occurring every day. This started in 1994 with the rise of the Internet and they controlled him. Bill. But he slipped from time to time and was more conservative than they liked. Yes, then in 2003, they discovered wi-fi was a better communication tool to the brain than a hard line hookup and could direct thoughts in real-time. Now, we saw Obama's "planting" in the White House. How can someone with no birth certificate and who comes from Kenya be President of these United States? The media. They, you know who, knew the Mindless Drones (Democrats) would vote for him even though he can't speak coherently without his TelePrompTer machine. We have seen the videos and we know the Truth!

    1. @8:08- Did you save these comments only to copy and paste this post here ever week? I see your rant, word for word, repeated here often. Instead of a pertinent comment, you keep repeating this garbage. You're saying George Busch was controlled by WIFI? You can't see how moronic that is?

    2. Fellow travelers keep cheering like I do with my registered hands

  3. Bottom line is that Jake Day lied. And how interesting that Wayne did not get this information until the day before the election.

  4. The geese are polluting? I guess they're taking after humans. So if the geese are spreading disease why are we feeding them to shelter folks? Are we trying to make them sick too? Total crock of S**t!

    1. If I have to explain, you wouldn't understand

  5. I guess the LGBT staff at the CITY secretly hate geese

  6. you can narrow it down by asking one question. Who had the authority to sign it?

  7. Jake said he knew nothing but we paid for it? how could he not know? Liar. We have till 7 to vote. Vote King!

  8. I would THINK that IF the geese WERE sent to a food bank, the method of euthanizing would have to be documented/disclosed. MORE of Jake Day's LIES and BULLSH*T!

  9. Well done, Mr King. You’ve caught them in yet another violation of the public trust. I hope you do well today. I did my part by taking people to the polls.


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