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Friday, November 01, 2019

Tickets to Obama's first 2020 fundraiser cost from $10K to $355K

Former President Barack Obama will host his first fundrasier for the Democratic Party in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election later this month, and it will cost attendees a minimum of $10,000 just to get in the door.

Obama will headline the Nov. 21 fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee with chair Tom Perez in Los Altos Hill, California, according to Recode. The cheapest ticket merely grants admission to the event for $10,000, with costs going up to $355,000 to "chair" the event.

Karla Jurvetson, a psychiatrist, will be hosting the fundraiser at her Silicon Valley home. She gave nearly $7 million to Democratic groups last election cycle.



  1. A psychiatrist. Perfect match.

  2. I would be this is just another money laundering scheme cooked up by the crooked dumbocrats.

    1. Part of the billions given to iran, time for him and Valerie Jarrett to get their kickback

  3. 5:45, O'Bummer didn't give Iran anything. He returned their money that the U$A tried to steal.

    1. Not stolen but but frozen and and gave them 10 times what was frozen. Later cupcake

  4. They won't need a big venue, maybe the size of a walk-in closet

  5. And, in case you missed it, President Trump's campaign received $3 million in one day and it was the same day the Dems voted for an impeachment inquiry. Go Trump. Go America - vote. PS you also need to register first - then vote.


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