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Friday, November 01, 2019

Steve Scalise: Pelosi Using Impeachment Probe to Influence 2020 Presidential Election

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) told reporters Thursday that House Democrat leaders are using the partisan impeachment inquiry to help decide who will be the next president of the United States, suggesting the probe will interfere with the 2020 elections.

While briefing reporters in the wake of the House Democrat’s approval, along party lines, of the impeachment inquiry resolution, Scalise declared:
If you look at where we are at right now, we’re at an important point in history. Clearly, there are people that we serve with that don’t like the results of the 2016 election — that’s their prerogative — but the country next year will be deciding who our president is going to be. It should not be Nancy Pelosi and a small group of people that she selects that get to determine who’s going to be our president.


  1. Impeachment is an exercise in futility. Democrats are desperate and scrambling. Warren’s medicare for all, $53 trillion?

  2. She wants to take the heat off of her pervert partner, Biden.

  3. The impeachment farce will cost the Dems more than they can afford.

  4. Just who cares what THEY can afford? They get free healthcare!

    1. Let me say this just once - NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS WORLD.

  5. Trump will blow them all away 2020 !!! MAGA baby

  6. Since Trump was elected President the Dems have done nothing but to try and get him out of office.The Dem have done nothing for the American people. To busy worrying about Trump. On the other hand Trump gas done everything he said he would do. Even with the Dems blocking and opposing him since day one. Just think about it. Trump has donated his salary. He is the only one in politics that is worth less money since being in office. Obama was no millionaire going into office. Yet he came out of office being worth 40 million.

  7. Dems are also worried about the release of the IG report with criminal actions that will be taken.


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