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Saturday, November 09, 2019

Sebastian Gorka Slams Lindsey Graham: “You Can Subpoena Whoever You Want… Don’t Protect John McCain’s Legacy”

Former President Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka joined Gregg Jarrett on Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss the ongoing and unprecedented Democratic assault on President Trump.

During their discussion Sebastian Gorka went off on AWOL Lindsey Graham. Gorka begged him to start doing his job and subpoena witnessed to the Judiciary.

To this day Lindsey Graham has not called in a single deep state witness to testify before his committee.



  1. McCain was a POS. Spoiled punk who got away with MURDER. IF granddaddy and daddy weren't NAVY ADMIRAL'S he would have died in Leavenworth!!

  2. Thanks to McCain’s vote I was forced to cancel heath insurance.


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