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Saturday, November 09, 2019

“I Caught the Swamp. I Caught Them All. Let’s See What Happens!” – President Trump Drops a Bombshell and Communications Director Dan Scavino Teases Major Development

For months there were rumblings that Inspector General Horowitz was going to release his report anytime on his investigation of FISA Court abuse during the 2016 election and into 2017.
And for months that news was delayed.

In May Attorney General Bill Barr appointed John Durham to review the origins of the Russia inquiry and the FBI’s surveillance activities. Just two weeks ago the Attorney General announced the investigation was now a criminal probe. And we have heard that the Durham criminal probe may have been going on for some time.

On Thursday President Trump’s online communication director Dan Scavino posted this ominous tweet – “TICK_TOCK”.



  1. And NOW the fireworks begin! Klapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, et al are going to be fitted for jump suits.

  2. I want to see Obama. His 2 AG's. That bitch Rice. And of course Hillary.


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