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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

North Carolina Sanctuary Cities Freed 500 Criminal Illegal Aliens This Year

More than 500 criminal illegal aliens were released back onto the streets of North Carolina this fiscal year by sanctuary cities, according to federal immigration officials.

Newly released data by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency reveals the degree to which sanctuary cities and counties in North Carolina are protecting criminal illegal aliens from arrest and deportation.

“Across North Carolina, local authorities refused to honor more than 500 detainers for foreign nationals during Fiscal Year 2019,” ICE officials wrote in a statement. “All of these detainer refusals are of persons criminally arrested by a law enforcement agency for a criminal offense beyond their violation of federal immigration law.”



  1. Have the affected States put up Defour directions yet?

  2. Good thing 2nd amendment is alive and well. Don’t mean to wish ill on anyone but I’m afraid it is going to take some harm coming to these left wing loons to have a “woke “ moment.


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