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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

House Oversight top Republican declines whistleblower offer to provide written answers

House Oversight Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan declined an offer from the whistleblower's lawyer to provide written answers to questions submitted by House Republicans.

Mark Zaid, the whistleblower's lawyer, told House Intelligence Committee ranking Republican Devin Nunes on Saturday that his client would be willing to answer questions from the Republicans in an effort to be as bipartisan as possible while remaining anonymous. Zaid offered for those questions to be "in writing, under oath and penalty of perjury."

Jordan claimed Sunday that, "Written answers will not provide a sufficient opportunity to probe all the relevant facts and cross examine the so-called Whistleblower. You don't get to ignite an impeachment effort and never account for your actions and role in orchestrating it. We have serious questions about this individual's political bias and partisan motivations and it seems Mark Zaid and Adam Schiff are attempting to hide these facts from public scrutiny."



  1. These dumbocrats need to be charged with treason!

  2. Apparently mark zaid thinks everybody is stupid, not gonna work

  3. Schiff should be held in contempt and hindering an investigation conducted by Congress. This person is not a whistleblower, since they did not follow policy / procedure to be a whistleblower when he went to Schiff first.

  4. 8:37 exactly who is hindering the investigation? And Trump is not????

    The whistle blower law is for the protection of individuals idiot

  5. They declined because it was never about getting answers. It is about discrediting the whistle blower by changing the story and moving the goal posts.

    The Republicans want to make this about anything other that what is being investigated, to distort, distract, and obfuscate what is actually being addressed.

    That is why they want the whistle blower. Since the whistle blower report is pretty much been confirmed and better represented by the transcript of the call, we don't need them at all. Again... this isn't about getting any truth, it's about distortion and distraction.

  6. I dont think there is a whistle blower. Its all a sham to make you look somewhere else. Epstein didnt kill himself


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