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Friday, November 01, 2019

Kamala campaign death throes as she blames racist and sexist Dem voters

Kamala Harris's presidential campaign is collapsing, as she has proven herself to be a phony hypocrite, willing to say anything to pander, and unable to win support from the voters and donors who know her best: those in California.

Politico reports on the signs of impending death for the campaign:
Kamala Harris is dramatically restructuring her campaign by redeploying staffers to Iowa and laying off dozens of aides at her Baltimore headquarters, according to campaign sources and a memo obtained Wednesday by POLITICO, as she struggles to resuscitate her beleaguered presidential bid.

The moves come as Harris is hemorrhaging cash and in danger of lacking the resources to mount a competitive bid against better-funded rivals in Iowa. The overhaul will touch nearly every facet of Harris' operation, with layoffs or re-deployments coming at headquarters, as well as in New Hampshire, Nevada and her home state of California, a Super Tuesday prize that her advisers once viewed as a big asset.
Harris apparently hopes to save her campaign with a good showing in the Iowa caucuses, but the prospects there are poor for her.



  1. Sorry Kammy Hillary already tried that.

  2. Always someone else's fault. The democrats way.

  3. Guess she's going to have to find somebody else to lay down with
    Oh well
    Nobody cares

  4. She was toast from the beginning. Now that she is blaming others this is the end of the road for her PR stunt show.

  5. A professional victim.

  6. Agree 1:49, she was never in it.

  7. She is just as naïve as the rest of them are. The DNC, Democrats and tight Obama/Soro's crew already have their next candidate picked out. They NEVER had a chance of winning because these people are going to get a whammy just like Bernie Sanders did in 2016. But then again she had no business being in the race to begin with. SHE HAD NO CLASS at all. Even though she laid her way to the top it still did not give her class.

  8. I don't think I would even want any of that stangin' stuff.


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