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Friday, November 01, 2019

54% of Americans credit Trump for death of Baghdadi

A majority of Americans gave President Trump credit for a raid in Syria that killed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.

A new ABC/ Washington Post poll found a total of 54% of Americans said Trump deserved the credit, with 76% of Republicans crediting Trump but only 39% of Democrats doing the same.

Forty-five percent of Republicans said the death of Baghdadi will make American safer while only 15% of Democrats believed it would.



  1. Republicans think a draft dodger is responsible. Democrats know it was intelligence and our great military. I wouldn't trust Trump in a paintball fight.

    1. He wouldn't trust a lying commie either

  2. LOL... so tell me,what did Trump tweet about Obama and Bin Laden? Did he give Obama any credit? What were his exact words...oh that's right he said THIS:

    "Stop congratulating Obama for killing Bin Laden. The Navy Seals killed Bin Laden."

    I'm just asking for a bit of consistency here, is that too much to ask for?

    So in the spirit of consistency and honesty, lets follow The Donald's request, and stop giving credit to HIM, and start giving credit to our brave soldiers who killed Baghdadi.

  3. So that means 46% don't credit him, they blame him.


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