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Sunday, November 24, 2019

'I get upset': GOP congressman demands Schiff explain legal authority to conceal whistleblower

Rep. Mike Conaway told House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff during the public impeachment hearings that he wanted to know the legal grounds on which Schiff refused to allow the naming of the whistleblower.

"Mr. Chairman, I would like, as a personal request, I request that you and/or one of your lawyers, one of the members of the committee, put into the record the federal statute that provides for the absolute immunity, right to immunity, that you've exerted over and over and over," the Texas Republican said Tuesday. "I don't think it's there, but if it is, in fact, a federal statute and/or a brief that you can cite, put that in the record so that we'll know that."

Conaway then urged Schiff not to get angry with him and accuse him of wanting to out the whistleblower, saying, "I get upset every time you ... accuse me, simply because I want to know the whistleblower, and I want to know what's going on, that we want to out that individual. That's unfair for you to make that accusation, and I get just as mad. This is about leveling the playing field between our two teams."



  1. Schiff and or his lawyers cannot, since this individual did not follow the guidelines of a whistleblower. They did not go to IG first they went to Schiff and his cronies first. People need to read the requirements.

  2. This is ABOUT a One sided Govt with One party having ALL
    the power & Ignoring Court Rules & the Opposing Party !!

    Waisting Tax payer $$$ on selfish Witch-Hunts !!! No Proof

  3. There is no whistle blower, just a wishful thought

  4. Schiff has NO Legal Authority to do any of his Witch-Hunts !

    ALL would be Thrown the Hell OUT of any court Period !!

  5. Schiff & his Rogue members of Govt need to be Prosecuted

    & thrown the hell out of govt for good !!

  6. There is no legal right. President Trump has a right to confront his accuser. Period. He should not cooperate with this kangaroo court.

  7. The complaint was inaccurate to the phone call. The Lt “Mr army“ leaked the call to the whistle blower. Mr army had to bring a doctors note to congress stating he was a super good soldier because his boss called him a leaker. That was His own testimony. Wearing a uniform is the cherry on top.

  8. What new Witch-Hunt will it be Next Week ???
    Dems need new ideas to cover another year's worth !! LOL

  9. There cannot be a whistleblower woh has anything to say beyond the actual Transcripts of the communications that Trump has released for all the world to see.

    The "Whistleblower" seems to be somebody who went to the Transcript in order to ch... I mean ANNOTATE the paper document.

    Who said that during testimony?

    The Dems have no clothes!

  10. 833 Ok lets slow things down for you. I'm pretty sure, had Obama came up with a " rough transcript", for a call months ago, you would question why the "transcript" just so happened to sound like it exonerated him from any wrong doing. Think critically people.

    1. 4:51 Why won’t they name the whistleblower? Wonderland admitted Trump did he wanted nothing from the Ukraine. No quid pro que. What more do you want? Their star witness admitted Trump wanted nothing from the Ukraine. Nothing. Their star witness also “forgot” to add that to his earlier testimony. Maybe you need to think critically sweetie🙄 You know take off those blinders CNN and the msm put on you🙄

  11. This Country has a CORRUPT GOVT & we better Fix that
    before worrying about other country's Corrupt Govts !!!

  12. Northwest Woodsman: It is the Marxist democrat “Just because I said so” rule. However, all rules are flexible to them, so in effect there are no rules which allows them to control the narrative. I’m beginning to see republicans getting a little backbone and challenging some of this biased and totally partisan show trial. Maybe there is some hope after all.

  13. We are so far past the whistle blower,...get over it

  14. Dog and pony show produced by desperate lying crooked DEMOCRAT IDIOTS.

  15. Demon-crats incl Schiff HAVE NO LEGAL AUTHORITY to

    act as a Court & ignoring all Rules that a court would have !!!

  16. All the Hearsay Witnesses were Worthless Whistleblowers !!

  17. Need a 4th Branch of Govt ( Oversight Branch ) to prevent

    these escapades from happening again !!

    Take Oversight power from Congress & any Investigative
    powers !!!

    They are Not a court & should ONLY be making Laws !!!

    Oversight Branch should Police the other 3 Branches !!!!


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