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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hogan issues first paroles for juvenile lifers in decades

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland –– For the first time in 24 years, individuals sentenced to life in a correctional facility for crimes they committed before turning 18 are being paroled by a Maryland governor.

This shift in policy for juvenile lifers by Gov. Larry Hogan, R, is unprecedented in the state’s recent history.

“The governor talked about this issue in his original campaign, and it’s something that he gives serious attention to,” Hogan Administration Deputy Legal Counsel Chris Mincher said in an interview with Capital News Service.

A press secretary for Hogan said the governor would not comment, and said Mincher is the “on-the-record spokesperson” for the administration regarding juvenile paroles.

Hogan’s decision to implement parole for juvenile lifers comes after 24 years of rejections for this group by the previous three governors, a trend that started with Gov. Parris Glendening in 1995.



  1. Life sentences should mean life it doesn't matter what the age was when the crime was committed the seriousness of the crime was why they were given life. Dumb move by dumb Governor. Maybe he'll be visited by one and learn of his error. Just like Jake doesn't think about the families of victims or the crimes.

    1. That’s cuz your white and don’t get it.

    2. Ahh. The race card. AGAIN 9:21?? How about those poor black murders who killed the white man for a couple of bucks at the fair?? You want them free too?? Moron.

    3. I get that they are in prison for life for murder. I would rather them be in a box. Now that you want to bring up the racist card, people who murder should be hanged by the neck until dead regardless of color.

    4. Cuz you're not White and won't abide by laws that promote a free society

  2. 907
    I understand your hard stance theoretically. But we are talking about Statutory Law here, not Common Law. Statutes are not Constitutional and are IMMORAL acts of an illegal government.

    Give it some thought, or educate yourself please!

  3. Keep the beds warm. They'll be back. You can fix the face. You can fix the butt. YOU CANT FIX STUPID.

  4. 9:29
    Good point

    I had not thought about it like that. All prisoners are Political prisoners.

  5. If they do this, it should be with the understanding that if they mess up ONE TIME, they're back in for keeps. No excuses, no mercy.

    1. Tell that to the dead and the families who lost love ones.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: The crime rate and danger to law abiding citizens just sky rocketed. Releasing these criminals is a really stupid idea and my guess is that it is a vote pandering move because friends and relatives will remember the wonderful politicians who were responsible for releasing their darling children who “dindunuffin”!

  7. 9:21 you're just right down stupid these criminals had trials and it was determined by the jury that they receive the death sentence----so what your really saying is if all the whites had to receive the full term that's ok just so long as the black ones in jail are let free. I say ask the parents and the families of all races, how they feel about the ones they lost due to murder, and how would you feel if your child was murdered?

  8. Hogan also talked about loosening "right to carry" restrictions and the cost of the permits and he has done nothing for self protection. Hogan also allowed "red flag" laws to be initiated, in which they are unlawful and unconstitutional.

  9. So we remove the murderous misfits from society, just to have Hogan turn them back loose on society. What the hell does Hogan have against Marylanders?

  10. We should have no prisons. If someone is caught committing a crime we should just ask them not to do it again. We need to be more sensitive. All inmates in our pens are good people who are just misunderstood.

  11. Governor please come to ECI and talk to the case management staff and ask them there thoughts. Great to make policy but talk to your people on the front lines releasing these men in the community.


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