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Sunday, November 24, 2019

DNA test shows Hunter Biden fathered child with Arkansas woman

A DNA test shows that Hunter Biden fathered a child with an Arkansas woman, according to court papers filed on Wednesday.

The test established Biden’s paternity with “scientific certainty,” the child’s mom, Lunden Alexis Roberts, said in in a motion posted online by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Biden, son of Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, has denied having had sex with Roberts and agreed to the test last month in a bid to prove he didn’t father her unidentified child.

He’s “not expected to challenge the results of the DNA test or the testing process,” according to Roberts’ filing in Arkansas’ Independence County Circuit Court.



  1. Surprise surprise!! he lied! CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED PURE POS a warlock of evil. He opens his mouth, he lies a Crook. Aagain surpised? now lock him up for colluding with his corupt POS father and obama.

  2. Probably fathered some in Ukraine too !!!

  3. busy boy isn't he...

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Almost caught with his pats down! This acorn didn’t fall far from the tree. How is that for a couple of old quotes?

  5. He & daddy have Fathered Many children !!! LOL

  6. The DuPonts and other elite families keep their offspring private. Many are raised by non-family parents at times and live under entirely different surnames. But like all of us with families know, we know who we are.

    Interesting times in America

  7. Just what the world needs...another Biden.

  8. Great. Another CRACK BABY.

  9. How can you trust someone who dates his brothers widow shortly after he died??

  10. Some fathered in China too, for daddy Biden !!!

  11. And he screwed his dead brothers Wife.

  12. 9:10

    And he fathered this kid WHILE he was dating his brothers widow.

  13. get out the DNA test for some of the judges around here....

  14. Hmmm, I thought Hunter Biden was gay ?

  15. Hunter also has a special bunch of Cigars he is proud of.

  16. But, but, his father doesn't want to talk about it. Or Burisma, or Ukraine, or his daughter-in-law (twice), or any of that family stuff. Biden has gotten so senile he forgot why he decided not to run against Hillary. Back then, he knew all this stuff was going to come out.

  17. Ritual sex orgies in Freemasonic Halls

    Lots of fun

  18. Bidens like to keep it > ALL in the Family !!!


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