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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Chaos in Brooklyn as 1,000 anti-cop protesters storm subway stations

Nearly a thousand protesters took to the streets of Brooklyn to demonstrate against the NYPD after a spate of violent arrests on the subway and over its plans to put more officers on the beat to catch anyone who skips paying the fare.

The protesters started gathering in Downtown Brooklyn near Barclays Center at about 7pm Friday, with their signs reflecting the dual nature of the march.

While flashier banners bore slogans such as 'Don't let these pigs touch us,' 'F**k the police,' 'Punch that cop' and 'NYPD out of MTA,' other signs read 'Free transit,' 'Poverty is not a crime' and 'Our subways need more $ for elevators, not for cops.'

Their grievances stem from two issues. One, alleged police brutality against New Yorkers including a group of teenagers who officers were seen fighting with in a recent viral video.



  1. Civil war is coming soon on these libturds.

  2. Give AOC the full credit for fomenting anarchy.

  3. The freeloaders think they're going to take what they want well how about a free ass Whooping

  4. A city fully out of control. And DeBlasio is clueless.

  5. Where is FRANK RIZZO when you need him. The animals did the same thing in Philadelphia. Then PATTY WAGONS began to show up. Ahhh. The good ole days.

  6. This is being done on purpose to cause chaos to Republicans.

  7. lmclain, how was the rally?

  8. No need for shooting, I would take care of business with my registered hands. Waiting on the call now

  9. All police personnel should be pulled out of this area!

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Need I repeat my warnings that this Marxist democrat driven violence is going to intensify and a civil war of small skirmishes will begin in cities like New York and Baltimore which will spill over into towns and cities everywhere and there will be no stopping it. Better prepare yourselves. It is not going away and will only get much worse. Society is breaking down before our eyes.


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