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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Baltimore Taxpayers Fund Lyft-Rides For Inner-City Poor Facing "Food Deserts"

With more than a quarter of all Baltimore City residents living in a food desert, meaning there's no supermarket in a walkable distance, the taxpayers are now funding a new program that will pay for their Lyft ride to the grocery store.

Starting Monday, residents in South and West Baltimore City, some of the most impoverished areas in the country, can register online for Lyft and get government-subsidized trips to participating grocery stores, reported The Baltimore Sun.

The pilot program will sponsor up to 200 residents, will cover one-way rides up to $2.50. Each rider can take as many as eight trips per month.

"Whoa, that is lovely," Evelyn Robinson told The Sun. "I wouldn't have to wait for someone to be available to take me or pay as much money. I could go whenever I wanted."
For some more color on South and West Baltimore City, these areas are low-income neighborhoods, about 33% of households don't even own vehicles, and most folks have negative net wealth. Many don't have jobs because the local economy has been stuck in a depression for twenty years.

Both areas are equivalent to a third-world country and have the highest per-capita homicide rates in the country.

Instead of supermarkets on each corner of the street, there are liquor stores and methadone clinics.



  1. Yea OKAY!! I bet my left *** there is a drug deal or two going down during their "grocery shopping"

  2. So now they get TAXIS to get there STEAK N SHRIMP.

  3. Hmmmmm. No stores open there bc they ROB EM AND BURN THEM DOWN.

    1. EXACTLY, there used to be stores all over Baltimore, they got tired of being robbed by the same people they were helping. I remember seeing a CVS store burning one night, set fire by rioters, and other stores being looted. The mayor told the police to stand down and let the animals have their way for the night. That is why there is a shortage of stores in Baltimore City. Let them lie in the bed they made.

  4. Whoever reads this liberal garbage deserves to be taxed for these services. First, the economy is the best it has been in over 50 years. Unemployment has hit a new low. While liquor stores and methadone treatment centers abound, supermarkets have abandoned those neighborhood for lower crime areas. If you stop stealing from the markets, they may return. This said, there is a growing issue the pols have chosen to ignore - responsibility. Crimes have to be enforced and jail or other punishments for crimes must be enforced. Simply releasing criminals for petty crimes doesn't address the issue, it adds to it. There are consequences for crimes. What company in their right mind would want to invest in an area as bad as they are in Baltimore?

  5. Yep! Started in 1968.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: I can’t imagine the chaos if blacks were left completely to themselves without being on the dole for some sort of government and taxpayer assistance. It appears that they are incapable of providing even the most basic efforts for their own surviveal.The reason for the “food desert” is because supermarkets are not willing to become a charity, providing gifts to masses of shoplifters. Had a national chain supermarket that started up in the predominantly black areas of Las Vegas and shortly after opening, they erected a fence around the entire property for reasons of security, and then within a short period of time they closed down the business because of excessive losses. My question is why are blacks so incapable of caring for themselves and unable to support even the rudimentary aspects of civilization. Research should be conducted into the psychological, social and cultural issues that prevent them from being a successful, homogeneous black community but we all know what the results would be already and no researchers would touch it because of the PC issues involved. We are stuck with them and it will only get worse. We have a real crisis on our hands.

    1. 100% true Northwest Woodsman, well thought out and explained

  7. Shameful comments on here. Glad to see people taking care of other people.

    1. I was in the supermarket yesterday. They have these "BOX MEALS" for the poor. They cost 5 bucks. Here they are buying STEAK, SHRIMP, and ROAST with their EBT CARD. Do you Know what they said to the cashier when asked if they wanted to donate a box??

      HELL NO!!!


    2. I bet ur a lazy welfare rat.

    3. That's your response?? Wow. You must be a 10 year Wicomico county community college grad.

  8. Nice. Let the thugs ride Free so they don't rob the driver's anymore. Like a free ride will STOP them. Lol

  9. Re: November 20, 2019 at 10:50 AM

    Since when is the truth shameful ?????

  10. Somebody could make a fortune with pop-up grocery stores in the backs of tractor trailers.

  11. The pop up stores might work but it would have to be,you hand me the money FIRST then I'll hand you the food.

  12. And they think that all the Lyft drivers will just drive into those neighborhoods and pick anyone up that calls them? All well and good until their cars start getting stolen, or the driver killed, or robbed,etc. Plus they will want to be driven all over Baltimore and not pay the ride. Everyone is going to take advantage of this. Plain stupid. And YOUR tax money is going to pay for it.

  13. They caused it, let them starve.


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