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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Baltimore State's Attorney: "Over-Militarization Of Police Departments" Biggest Threat To Civil Rights

Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby was quoted at the University of Baltimore Law's 400 Years: Slavery and the Criminal Justice System conference in saying one of the most significant civil rights issues facing African Americans in Baltimore City is the "flawed" criminal justice system that has kept many in a perpetual state of mass incarceration and economic oppression, reported The Baltimore Sun.
"Black people are six times more likely to be arrested and become a part of the criminal justice system [than] whites," Mosby said at the two-day conference on Saturday.
Mosby blamed the "over-militarization of police departments" in inner cities and unfair laws as a significant contributor to the economic disparities affecting African American communities not just in Baltimore but in major cities across the country.
"You have an over-militarization of police departments all across the country, racially unjust application of laws against poor black and brown people, [and] collateral consequences of these convictions that have kept black and brown people and communities [as] second-class citizens," she said.
Other speakers shared similar views at the conference, such as defense attorneys, law students, academics, community leaders, and city residents.



  1. Progressive liberals that flaunt the rule of law in a Constitutional Republic is the biggest threat to civil and individual rights in America.

  2. No, it's Over Blackization !!! That's the Threat !!!

  3. Apparently Baltimore has no chance of getting better. Just think she was on the short list for AG under Clinton.

  4. Why is this bigot not in jail? Her racist rants are not needed in this society. She is a disgrace to her law profession, but she is more of a disgrace to black citizens. She demeans the race to a point of others thinking she represents the majority where that is not the case at all.

  5. Well I'd certainly pay attention to her opinion - NOT!!!!!!

  6. LOL just shows you guys' utter hypocrisy. Suddenly, an issue that folks have long spoke about on this board, isn't an issue just because of this person happens to agree with you. Too funny

  7. Yes militarazation of the police forces was done via the so called patriot act 911 BS..a move well planned by the swamp globalist.Trump and patriots ate the real menace to these evil plans

  8. Ok get rid of the cops so we can have that Antifa Civil War

  9. Hasn’t Mike Lewis been criticized for seeking surplus military equipment on this very blog?

  10. Hmmmmm, and who is committing the most of the crimes she is speaking about???

  11. The bigger the threat the better armed PD you need


  12. Elected by live and deceased Baltomorons. They richly deserve what they have chosen.

    And it's so reassuring to hear the mayor, chief of police and head of council haven't shot and killed anyone this year, per them.


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