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Sunday, November 24, 2019

1 Year After Sex Change, This Teen Regrets His ‘Frankenstein Hack Job’

Less than a year after having gender surgery, Nathaniel now says, “This whole thing was a bad idea. I am 19 years old, and I feel as though I have ruined my life.”

It’s heartbreaking each time I get a letter from someone who underwent gender-change surgery and regrets it, especially someone as young as Nathaniel.

With his permission, I’m telling a bit of his story to raise awareness of the young lives being ruined by the rush to surgery, and hoping that hearing the testimony of this young man will influence others on this path to slow down and consider the consequences before consenting to surgery.

In Nathaniel’s case, he says he was bullied by the boys in elementary school because he was sensitive and preferred playing girl games. When he was a bit older, he discovered internet pornography, heard about transgenderism, and as he says, “convinced myself that’s what I was.”

When he finally worked up the nerve to tell his mother in the summer after eighth grade, she made an appointment with, in his words, “a doctor at an informed-consent clinic.”

“From then on,” he says, “I slowly detached from everything until I was just staying home, playing video games, and going on the internet all day. I stopped reading, drawing, riding my bicycle. I surrounded myself in an echo chamber that supported and validated my poor decisions, because the others were also, unfortunately, stuck in that pit, too.”

More here


  1. This is very sad, and is happening way more than you hear about from the leftist media.

    The gay mafia is indoctrinating kids with this well before their brain development can process the info accurately.

    But of course, they know that. That's why they do it.

  2. Spoiler alert, the majority of people who get a "sex change" operation later regret having done so.

  3. Life's rough, get a helmet.

  4. Should be illegal and any doctor doing the surgery arrested

  5. 12:27 EXACTLY CORRECT !!!!

  6. 11:17 a vaginal helmet?

  7. What ever happened to the hippocratic oath of doctors who swore to "do no harm?"

  8. He was / is gay, but not a girl. But he, I mean she, is a girl now.


  10. Shrinks love to perpetuate these and other unseen disorders that exist in name only. It wasn't enough to just prescribe all sorts of quack drugs now they approve irreversible surgical mutilations. There is nothing concrete , empirical or scientific about Psychology they might has well be treating demons and bad humors and return to Trepanning and Lobotomies.

  11. well hopefully it can't breed. enough stupid people out there already!

  12. The age of consent for sex is 18 so its ok to hack off or add to a minors body..oh that makes perfect democrat sense.

  13. Its obvious that those thoughts in young people are stemming from something they can't deal with emotionally. Being of another gender is an escape from who you are. I am a parent and I can't fatham not treating the need for escape from who you are. Before you console your child into to that escape all means have to be pursued. Unfortunately if you don't your child will suffer, some sooner than later. Is that what God intended??

  14. I don't feel sorry for him/Shim.

  15. That’s what happens when you live an impulsive life. Don’t feel bad for It whatsoever.

  16. Northwest Woodsman: I am really curious if a person who is confused as to their gender, can’t take a look at themselves and figure it out they have more problems than inability in identifying their god given plumbing. Now, if one of these confused creatures decides to undergo a Chopadictomy and have their male parts removed, if they later change their minds would a talented surgeon be able to perform an Addadictomy and restore them to their original configuration ?


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