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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why Has There Been A 56% Increase In Suicide Among Young Americans In Just 10 Years?

It is very hard to face the future when you don’t have any hope. Today, our society offers more ways to entertain ourselves than ever before, but it offers very little hope. Most people spend most of their lives wandering from one thing to another looking for meaning and purpose, and of course most of those journeys come up empty. We may have a much higher standard of living than any other generation in history, but we are also have the highest rates of addiction, depression and suicide. As a society, we are deeply, deeply unhappy, and this is especially true for our young people.

In fact, a report that was just released discovered that there was a 56 percent increase in suicide among Americans from age 10 to age 24 in just 10 years
Suicides and homicides are on the rise among children, teens and young adults in America, according to a new report that highlights what experts say is a disturbing trend among the young.

The report, published Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that from 2007 to 2017, the rate of Americans ages 10 to 24 who died by suicide rose by 56 percent, from 6.8 deaths per 100,000 persons to 10.6.
Is anyone out there going to argue when I say that it looks like what we are doing for our young people as a society is definitely not working?



  1. This is the result of libby indoctrination trust me...

  2. Smart Devices.


    1. Salisbury student @ UniversityOctober 20, 2019 at 1:25 AM

      Mom, what bathroom can I use ?

      Mom, can I use your high heels tonight , because some of my football team squad asked me to be a woman tonight ?

  3. Answer:
    Because we are being poisoned by our government and it’s military.

    Aluminum poisoning is off the charts!

  4. 4:07
    I have to agree with you. We are not preparing kids for real life. Teach them that is ok to lose at things. Not everyone gets a trophy. Life is not fair. Things aren't always what they seem. They see those people with the "perfect" life on social media and instead of trying to improve they give up. Schools teach them to be offended at everything. How about just going on with your life and ignoring things. The problem is the schools release them into the real world and just are not prepared to deal with real life situations. The employers won't give you a raise because someone else got one. They wont cater to your needs, you work for them. They go deep in debt with loans for school with a degree that will not get them a job. For 20 years they are never held accountable for the things they do and all of a reality smacks them in the face and they don't know how to deal with it.

  5. Progressism has basically approved suicide as a horric option if you so chose. Robin Williams is classic example. Celebrated as a hero for suicide. Progressives are going to ruin this country and more, they make me sick. And if you have Progressive insurance you are supporting the cause - jsut saying!!


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