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Saturday, October 19, 2019

They’re Not Sending Their Best… House Democrat Accused of “Throuple” Relationship with Female Staffer and Ex-Husband – Then Reportedly Left Them for Another Campaign Worker

They’re not sending their best…
California Democrat Katie Hill is keeping busy as a Freshman representative in Washington DC.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Katie Hill.https://t.co/vU1LyrFQR0 pic.twitter.com/yWnt1MkxJf
— Hunter (@McHuntface) October 18, 2019
The Freshman Democrat reportedly broke up with her throuple for another campaign worker.
Katie is a busy, busy girl.

Apparently, one of her scorned lovers sent photos to Redstate.
Oh my. 😮 🙈



  1. Pathetic that this is what we allow to make decisions that effect so many

  2. Bill Clinton will be sniffing around soon.

  3. This is the morally excepted behavior of the people she represents. It is of their choosing to send her to Washington. It is also the main reason to question how it has become possible for a locally elected person to steer this nation in a direction contrary to a national election. Answer-TERM LIMIT !

  4. This is shameful... and it's nobody's business. It's also a violation of these peoples privacy.

    What consenting adults choose to do in the privacy of their homes is none of my, nor none of your business.


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