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Monday, October 28, 2019

Who Has Spent The Most Dollars Lobbying Washington In 2019?

The pharmaceutical industry is holding on to its title as the top lobbying force in Washington amid pressure from lawmakers at all ends of the ideological spectrum.Drugmakers have spent more than $129 million through September, slightly down from nearly $133 million at this time last year, but still far more than any other industry.

The larger pharmaceutical/health products industry, which includes medical devices and dietary supplement companies along with drugmakers, spent $228 million through the third quarter of 2019, a record-breaking pace that is up $10 million from this time last year.

House Democrats recently advanced legislation that allows the federal government to negotiate the price of drugs that lack generic equivalents. The bill passed the House Ways and Means Committee this week without a number of amendments proposed by progressive Democrats who argued the bill isn’t strong enough.

Senate Republicans have said the Democrats’ bill will not fly in the upper chamber. Although members of both parties in the Senate agree drug prices need to be lowered, they can’t agree on how to do it.



  1. Yes, and they'll still be " ripping " the American
    people off!

  2. Congress is full of Democrats and Rino's. Do not expect none of the prices for any of this to go down at all. Like a speech Nancy Pelosi gave out to lie to the people until you get that vote, does not matter what you say. So far it has been working great for her to fill her pockets. Lots of money comes from the Pharmaceuticals, Medical and Doctors to line the politicians pocket to keep their prices up. That is GREED!!!

  3. They are willing to SPEND 130 million on bribery.
    The IRS doesn't see a thing.
    Don't you wonder how much money they are MAKING if they are willing to
    give away 130 million??

    Keep cheering (your "leaders" are laughing at your total stupidity).

  4. Exactly 10:25, 130 Million, let that sink in !


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