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Monday, October 28, 2019


Never Trump Republicans eager to challenge Trump in 2020 joined Politicon on Saturday to rant about how President Trump is a traitor posing a danger to the nation who must be arrested.

GOP primary challengers Bill Weld, Joe Walsh, and Mark Sanford perpetuated the left’s debunked talking points about Trump’s Ukraine phone call, calling for him to be arrested and tried for treason.

“He betrayed our elections!” Walsh, a former congressman, exclaimed. “If you don’t impeach him for that, you’re telling future presidents that that’s okay, to allow foreign governments to screw around with our elections. We can’t set that precedent.”



  1. Three stooges. Three loosers. Irrelevant all.

  2. Talking commie turds

  3. This is true. Yes, the truth. It is a dark hour, my listeners. Fellow travelers, it is apparent that they have succeeded. You know who (of course you do). Soros and the New World Order Globalists. Yes. It is true. They will stop at nothing to silence you. Hush, they say. Nothing to "see" here. Yes, there is. There are many malfeasances occurring every day. This started in 1994 with the rise of the Internet and they controlled him. Bill. But he slipped from time to time and was more conservative than they liked. Yes, then in 2003, they discovered wi-fi was a better communication tool to the brain than a hard line hookup and could direct thoughts in real-time. Now, we saw Obama's "planting" in the White House. How can someone with no birth certificate and who comes from Kenya be President of these United States? The media. They, you know who, knew the Mindless Drones (Democrats) would vote for him even though he can't speak coherently without his TelePrompTer machine. We have seen the videos and we know the Truth!

    1. 9:37- We are not your listeners, Jim Jones. How have "they" succeeded in silencing me? Malfeasance started long before the internet. You shouldn't make fun of someone speaking incoherently. You do it every time you post. In fact, you are so incoherent, I know it's you, Jim Jones, evertime.

    2. Mt fellow travelers .... keep cheering

  4. you’re telling future presidents that that’s okay, to allow foreign governments to screw around with our elections. We can’t set that precedent.”

    We don't need to worry about foreign governments screwing around with our elections, the democrats are doing a fine job on their own!

  5. these men just want attention...irrelevant period!

  6. Time to ARREST the damn Demon-crats !!!! instead


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