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Sunday, October 27, 2019

'We got a queer running for president': Shocking moment Tennessee politician slams Pete Buttigieg

A Tennessee politician faces calls to resign after making a homophobic comment in apparent reference to presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.

Sevier County Commissioner Warren Hurst was speaking on Monday about gun owners rights' when he made the offensive comments during a public meeting.

In footage taken by Knoxville station WLTV, Hurst was opposed to the county commission's vote on becoming a gun sanctuary city. 'It's time we wake up people, it's time, it's passed time,' Hurst said.

He then went on to say: 'We got a queer running for president, if that ain't about as ugly as you can get, according to WLVT.



  1. So what?just say my words came out incorrectly, I will do better and we as Americans must stand united to help minorities, give them a voice. Remember climate crisis is real. Blah blah.

  2. Speaking the truth these days is dangerous? very sad times. Bet he is voted back in. Most of us are sick of this vile twisted sick luciferian agenda being SHOVED down our throats.
    blames this crap on divider in chief obama, Trumps not to blame

  3. Don't "queers" call themselves Queer? I thought there was a Q in that alphabet that is the rainbow group. Now they're offended? He should stand his ground on his free speech rights, and not resign. He's done nothing illegal that demands his removal from office. Ride it out and let the voters decide if he gets another term (probably will).

  4. So, what's wrong with what the guy said?
    Buttigieg is a queer and tries to hide behind religion.

  5. What is the new norm according to leftist...LBQT and probably more, but if a Republican uses the term Queer the should resign. Something is not right here.

  6. He is a ADMITTED QUEER so what's the problem.

  7. He called the guy a queer - which he is if one only understands the English Language. It is a word.

    He never indicated he was AFRAID of the guy.

  8. Isn’t that what the Q stands for in LGBTQ stands for?

  9. How is a QUEER going to deal with IRAN,SYRIA,IRAQ,SAUDI,EGYPT,NORTH KOREA AND CHINA? HMM- Just wondering. Debate consisted of a ho,a queer,a phony indian, racist mad man,socialist,pervert,new mexico dirt eating open border anti gun fool and biased commentators.CAN'T WAIT TO VOTE AGAINST ETHER ONE OF THESE GREAT DEMOCRATS.

  10. That guy sounded like a hick but he isn't dumb and well liked. Only one person acted like they were offended and the rest of the entire room cheered him on, thankfully.

    I would vote for him.

  11. These people are mentally ill just like the n word double standard. If blacks use it, its ok, but not whites. same with queer, fag, ladyboy, etc, they can use it at will, but if a normal person does, it’s offensive. Typical pervert Hypocrite mental illness on display.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: I see no issue here at all. Get the f@#k over it and move along to something important. I am really tired of all this liberal whining about things that are of no consequence.

  13. It gross to see everyone boil this man down to being one thing and one thing only. "Queer".

    Never mind he has been serving as an elected leader since 2012, that he graduated from Harvard AND Pembroke, Oxford. Never mind he served in the military and was deployed in Afghanistan.

    No. Him being gay is what is what defines him. Not his service to his country, or his character.


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