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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Democratic congressman says Trump lynching comments make him 'no better than those who burn crosses'

Democratic Texas Rep. Al Green claimed President Trump’s use of the word “lynching” makes him “no better” than members of the Ku Klux Klan.

Trump faced criticisms from both parties after he compared the impeachment inquiry into his relationship with Ukrainian leaders to “a lynching.”

During a speech from the House floor on Tuesday, Green expressed his outrage at Trump’s statements.



  1. Democrats just love taking comments out of context. Trump is using it in terms of being "railroaded" ! No proper judge, jury and trial. Schiff is prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one!!!

  2. The democrat voters are incredibly ignorant. They think lynching were exclusive to blacks and that is a lie but everyone knows all democrats lie about everything. The truth is more whites were lynched then blacks but the democrats keep blacks in chains and keep them stupid so they do not know this Lynching is only a racist word to liars and ignoramuses.

    1. Another idiot commemt. The term was specifically coin by an act of atrocity against specifically against blacks

    2. You just proved that the original post was correct and that you are an ignorant Democrat.
      Look up the definition of lynching.

  3. Careful green God doesn't like your ugly just like He didn't like cummings and He will punish you as he did the very evil nasty old man cummings.

  4. Dems used lynching as a comparison innumerable times in the last three years. Congress is now involved in an actual lynching, foregoing the process of law and proofs of actual crimes.

  5. What am I missing. Is everyone upset because blacks were lynched? Is everyone so stupid that they don’t know that whites were lynched too? A lynching is to hang a person (any person) without them getting a fair trial, and that’s exactly what’s happening to President Trump.
    THIS IS A LYNCHING!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. If the left didn't have double standards, they would have none
    ‘Kamala Harris called the debunked Jussie Smollett hoax a "modern-day lynching"
    Jerry Nadler accused Republicans of running a "lynch mob" against Bill Clinton
    No one accused them of racism. There weren't any Mainstream Media calls for their removal from office
    Joe Biden 2019: "Our country has a dark, shameful history with lynching, and to even think about making this comparison is abhorrent."
    Joe Biden 1998: "Even if the President should be impeached, history is going to question whether or not this was just a partisan lynching"


  7. These democrats like Al Green are a special kind of stupid.

  8. Funny, that same Al Green said the GOP was attempting to lynch Bill Clinton during his impeachment issues...

  9. All democrooks are liars, cheaters, thieves and murders

  10. Democrats used "lynching" comments when Clinton was impeached and their candidates are using the word "lynching" every week. So who is the hypocrites. Who wants anyone in the White House who has a very short memory? We have that in Congress already and we see ho smart they are.

  11. And the reason "lynching" is offensive is it refers to the history of blacks being convicted and hung without due process. Trump has every right to use that word to describe what the Democrat controlled house is trying to do to him, that is to try, and convict him without due process. He is not even allowed to hear any testimony against him, or call any witnesses in his behalf. It is a MONKEY court, and he is being railroaded by the democrats. And the democrats continue to just make shit up behind closed doors. This is not how America is supposed to work. This proceeding is a travesty of justice. Unbelievable, just unbelievable. And there are democrats, both dead and alive, that continue to vote for these felons they put in congress.

  12. I would like the Black Caucus in Congress come up with a list of words that they consider racist etc. and submit them as a Bill.

  13. So the dumbocrat party was the group doing all the lynching of blacks, and they act shocked about the terminology?

    The dumbocrats were the ones doing all the lynching!

  14. What an idiot.

    Mr Trump is a 32 Degree Freemason.

    The KKK was created by Albert Pike - a 33rd Degree Freemason.
    It was always a distraction move, to keep everyone's eyes off the real issue at hand.
    Look over hear, someone is burning a cross!
    How completely silly.

  15. " Anonymous said...

    Another idiot commemt. The term was specifically coin by an act of atrocity against specifically against blacks

    October 23, 2019 at 12:27 PM"

    What orifice did you pull your "fact" out of? I have news for you-you are wrong. 100 percent wrong and you are making a fool out of yoursef for claiming what you are. The problem with you people is that you are incredibly ignorant-examples of the dumbed down US public "education" system.

  16. What orifice did you pull your "fact" out of? I have news for you-you are wrong. 100 percent wrong and you are making a fool out of yoursef for claiming what you are. The problem with you people is that you are incredibly ignorant-examples of the dumbed down US public "education" system.

    October 23, 2019 at 6:47 PM

    Nice rebuttal. But maybe next time you don't have to insult the guy and maybe post your own facts to prove how he is wrong.

    Just a thought.


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