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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

W O C Bus to D.C. FYI's

D.C. Rally Thursday, Oct 17

1)Be on the bus ready to go at 6 AM; on the bus companies recommendation we will leave promptly at 6. We cannot guarantee that we will wait for you even if you call Brian to say you'll be a few minutes late. The bridge is under construction, we have two stops to make, and we will hit rush hour traffic. (Put Brian's number - - 410-251-3585 - - in your phone NOW so that you have it in case you need to reach us while at the rally).

2)Our group will occupy the 26 seats at the front of the bus. Salisbury and Easton will also be assigned a 'section', so that folks who know each other are sitting in the same vicinity of each other. 

3)Please have cash for the bus fee ($20 pp) and have singles for when we 'pass the hat' for the driver. 

4)If you have signs and/or chairs they will be stored on the buses luggage compartment. There are 'overheads' on the bus for small items.

5)BRING FOOD: make sure that you have enough sandwiches/food to get you thru the day. We will provide bottled water and snacks. We recommend that you take snacks and a bottle of water to the rally with you. Because we have three pick-up/drop-off points, stopping at a fast food place like we did in the past won't work on this trip.

6)If you need to stretch and/or smoke, you can get off the bus at Salisbury or Easton for a few minutes while we are picking up the folks there. And yes, there's a bathroom on the bus.

7)Small coolers are permitted on the bus, but no pop-top cans please, screw caps only. Coolers need to either go in the overhead or at your feet, no coolers in the aisles. And please, if you eat on the bus be extra neat; the bus company is very good to us, let's show our appreciation by leaving the bus spotless.

8)Dress in layers . . . it can be very chilly in the morning, and hopefully warmer and comfortable by the time we get there. Check the weather forecast for D.C. Also, wear shoes that are comfortable to walk and stand in.

9)We have contacted the rally organizers for an 'itinerary'. We'll share it with you when on the bus. But be advised, we are aiming to get back to West OC by 5:30, so we'll let the bus driver make the call as to what time we should be back on the bus.

10)When we arrive back at 'The Alamo' many of us plan on socializing at Caribbean Joe's, which is on-premises. It is five buck burger night, and we will be arriving there by 5:30 - - dinner time - - so join us. We'll pull some tables together as we treat ourselves to half pound burgers and refreshments.

11)Questions? send email to donothing.loseall@gmail.com

Steve Lind
Brian Nygaard


  1. Don't embarrass yourselves

    1. 7:39 snicker snicker You triggered? 😂🤣😂

  2. No embarrassment going to a Trump rally and supporting a winner


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