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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Donald Trump Jr. slaps at Hunter Biden who dubbed him 'Prince Humperdinck'

Donald Trump Jr. ridiculed Hunter Biden on Tuesday for conceding that nepotism played an outsize role in his financial success, calling a TV interview with former vice president Joe Biden's son a 'dumpster fire.'

The younger Biden had branded Don Jr. 'Prince Humperdinck,' a nod to the cowardly, feckless and buffoonish character in the 1987 cult-classic film 'The Princess Bride.'

The Biden scion acknowledged in an ABC News interview that 'a lot of things' in his life would not have happened without his family name.

And he said it would have been 'impossible for me' to sit on boards of directors of companies and nonprofits if his father hadn't been a powerful elected official.

Hunter has also reaped unlikely windfalls at a Ukraine energy company and as a beneficiary of a $1.5 billion Chinese capital investment in a fund he partly owns.

Don Jr., the president's eldest son, smelled blood.


1 comment:

  1. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Don Jr., look out they will be coming for you


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