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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Video: James Younger, At Age 3, To Dad: Mommy Tells Me I’m A Girl

A four-year-old video taken by Texas father Jeff Younger shows his son, James Younger, saying “mommy” tells him he’s a girl, paints his fingernails nails, and puts him in dresses.

Mr. Younger, who is currently fighting for sole conservatorship of James against ex-wife Anne Georgulas, said during a podcast last year that he took the video of James, who was three years old at the time, when he noticed changes in his son’s behavior.

“You’re a boy, right?” Mr. Younger asks his son in the video.

“No,” James responds. “I’m a girl.”

“Who told you you’re a girl?” the father asks.



  1. This is seriously messed up. That courts support the mother makes it worse.

  2. i swear you can't make this stuff up. Mom is a pediatrician didn't conceive this child and wears a cross! how much more f'd up can a demonrat be? child abuse straight up! she should be tared and feathered and have her head shaved so all know what a despicable human being she is when they run into her! am I allowed to say this?

  3. The biological mother, lawyers and the judge are committing child abuse.

  4. This is as sick and twisted as it can get.

  5. this the kind of crap that might get me locked up if I were that kids father.

  6. Such a beautiful thing. I’m sure he/she will turn out just fine In 10 years with zero mental illness or propensity to violence.

  7. Cut off her T. Ts

  8. No damn wonder there are so many nut jobs in the world. This is a severe form of child abuse. You aren't allowed to spank your child but you can warp their minds with this kind of BS. Parents like that should have their children taken from them and given to a family that will let them flourish as the sex they were born and try to mush their brains with that kind of of crap. Those kind of parents are their child's worst enemy.


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