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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hans von Spakovsky: FBI, CIA Fear Criminal Prosecutions Over Durham’s Spygate Probe

Employees of intelligence agencies may be “very scared and very worried” of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation of the origins of the Obama administration’s surveillance of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2015 and beyond, speculated Hans von Spakovsky, a Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow, in a Monday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host David Ng.

Under James Comey’s former directorship of the FBI, the federal government surveilled Trump’s political associates as early as 2015, ostensibly as a “counterintelligence” operation on alleged Russian “interference” in 2016’s presidential election.

In May, Attorney General William Barr appointed U.S. attorney John Durham to head the aforementioned investigation of the Obama administration’s surveillance of Trump’s campaign, including the use of surveillance warrants via the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA),



  1. Get the popcorn.. will be fun to watch them turn on each other..

  2. Jail time forthcomingOctober 25, 2019 at 12:29 AM

    This is why all the BULL CHIT about impeachment, Russia collusion, ect

    it's a smoke screen to keep us distracted

    from the Deep States attempt to thwart the
    United States Constitution

  3. The Puppet Masters have already decided who will take the fall for screwing up,(getting caught) and then it will all return to normal with lessons learned.

  4. Democrats trying to cover their butts with all the corruption they did in the Obama years.


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