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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Secretary general warns the UN could run out of money by the end of the month

The United Nations' secretary general sent out a letter warning that it could run out of funds in a matter of weeks.

Secretary General António Guterres said in a Monday letter to 37,000 employees at the U.N. secretariat that the U.N. is running a $230 million deficit and could run out of money by the end of October, according to CBS News.

“Member States have paid only 70 percent of the total amount needed for our regular budget operations in 2019. This translates into a cash shortage of $230 million at the end of September. We run the risk of depleting our backup liquidity reserves by the end of the month,” Guterres, 70, said.



  1. That's just too bad

  2. Good defund NWO luciferian central now

  3. Let the communists running the UN run out of other peoples money!

  4. Don’t let the door hit you in the Ass as you leave!
    Good riddance!

  5. Good! Shut this Commie cash sucking organization down!

  6. They vote against us all the time, we supply most of the money, let them go under and let the spies find another home!

  7. Stop partying with other people's money?

  8. But where else can 16 year old girls lecture us with such importance?


  9. And this is supposed to be OUR problem, right?

    Lock their doors and send everybody home till their new budget year.

  10. looks like Trump was right again

  11. Good! Now that we are no longer paying no more than our rightful bill they are going under. Simple solution, does not paid you can't come in and no assistance unless invaded by another country!!

  12. Imagine that. WE stop being so generous and the other countries can't keep them afloat. Does the world even need the U.N.?

  13. Our $1.2 billion contribution is in the pot, as always.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: The best thing that could happen is to bankrupt them and shut them down. What an utter failure FDR,s wonderful one world Marxist program has been. FDR was a fool who was totally,manipulated by marxists in his administration and he probably went along with it.

  15. good they need to close! permanently!


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