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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Schiff's Democrats plot a secret impeachment, with leaks

The ejection of Rep. Matt Gaetz from House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff's witness testimony hearings for the Democrats' impeachment inquiry, as J.R. Dunn noted here, was pretty outrageous, given the right Gaetz had to be there as a member of the House Judiciary Committee and do nothing but listen. He wasn't some Code Pinko type disrupting the closed-door affair by yelling obscenities and hurling bags of urine. He was ejected because he was a Republican.

It kind of tells you about the "fairness" of this entire inquiry.

Now the Washington Post is reporting that having done that, Democrats have now gotten into a huddle, whispering together behind closed doors like Renaissance plotters, the better to accelerate the impeachment of President Trump. Presumably, they want to get it out of the way before the next election, which of course would be to serve their own political purposes. Those, of course, are what this whole lunacy is really about — removing Trump and not having to face the wrath of the American voters.



  1. The only reason this charade was started was to hurt Trump's chances of re-election. They knew that, even if he was impeached by the House, they needed the Republican controlled Senate to force removal from office.
    So, all this is, is a court of public opinion to get people questioning if he should lead our country for another 4 years.
    Problem is, it backfired! It made people realize how corrupt the democratic liberal machine is and how deep the deep-state goes and will go to eradicate the election results.

  2. The backfire is calling for an impeachment that not only demystifies HIM but themselves too and how easy it is to Dupe the people. His presence and failure is an all around no business as usual game changer and how fragile divided and desperate the voting populace of the Republic has become. Four years of shit kicking divisional nonsense and everyone cheering we have had progress. Where is it ? Jobs ? You go right a head and work one of those jobs I am well retired and pensioned and invested the likes of which few will ever see again. You can be butt hurt issue oriented cheerleaders for whom ever affirms your values and beliefs but there is a nation at stake and not some Twittered reality show and ego feeding affirming cultural cluster wank.

  3. Good strategy,...it worked for the Republicans when they did it


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