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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Beltway sniper Lee Boyd Malvo to argue before Supreme Court for new sentence

It was 17 years ago, Tuesday, that then-17-year-old Lee Boyd Malvo looked across U.S. Route 50 in Falls Church, Virginia, and gave the “go” signal.

John Allen Muhammad then pulled the trigger of a rifle from the trunk of his Chevrolet Caprice.

Lawyers for the younger Capital Beltway sniper Malvo — convicted in the shootings that left 10 strangers dead in a 2002 spree spanning three weeks — will argue before the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday that he should be resentenced for his crimes.

Malvo was 17 in 2002, when he and Muhammad killed 10 people in Virginia, Maryland and the D.C.



  1. He, with help and guidance, murdered ten completely innocent strangers at random. Readjust his sentence to ten consecutive fifteen year sentences, each requiring a separate parole hearing, each with a minimum incarceration of seven years.

  2. I wouldn't mind a resentence....immediate death penalty. Win-win.

  3. Replies
    1. Read up... his partner and mentor john muhamand is dead -2009

  4. I like 12:57 PM comment, I completely agree.

  5. We now know the murders were a Psyop run by intelligence and these patsies were doing what they were instructed to do.

    1. lol
      YOU may know that, but thats the first ive ever heard of that conspiracy

    2. 2:12 & 2:36..Elf waves..heard that Md state police MOOSE, Mcvay and john muhammad were all in same army outfit. Had something to do with conyroling minds va Elf waves and nanobot bio chips implanted.

  6. re sentence?
    hanged, drawn, quartered.

  7. The brat should have been burned after bring convicted in the first trial.


  8. Let the surviving family members of all who were shot...

    bring him to a fighting ring

    let the family beat on him for 24 hours


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